Source code for phase_update_function.c


The objectives of this function are multiple:  
- remove phase when fraction < 0.0                        
- add phase when df < 0.0 and sum_xi > 1.0 (for solution phase only)                               
- swap phase when n_phase = n_oxides and df < 0.0    
- make sure pure phase polymorph are correctly accounted for   
- update phase fraction when adding/removing phase using least square optimization                                  
The core of the function revolves around book-keeping and  
the informations stored in PP_flags and SS_flags arrays 
Those arrays store the state of the phases:                

PP & SS_flags

| SS/PP |  IN	| CSD  | HLD  |  RMV  |  CYC  | REIN |
| [0]   | 0/1   |  0/1 | 0/1  | 0/1   | 0/n   | 0/1  |
| [1]   | 0/1   |  0/1 | 0/1  | 0/1   | 0/n   | 0/1  |
| [2]   | 0/1   |  0/1 | 0/1  | 0/1   | 0/n   | 0/1  |
| .     | 0/1   |  0/1 | 0/1  | 0/1   | 0/n   | 0/1  |
| [m/n]	| 0/1   |  0/1 | 0/1  | 0/1   | 0/n   | 0/1  |
- IN:   allowed phase (satisfying bulk rock constraints)
- CSD:  considered phase (part of the active set of phases)
- HLD:  on hold (not in the active set but still scanned at every iteration)
- RMV:  removed (not considered anymore)
- CYC:  number of cycle 
- REIN: phase reintroduced

22/06/2021 -> This function should be reworked to make it more efficient/readable
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <complex.h> 

#include "MAGEMin.h"
#include "gem_function.h"
#include "gss_function.h"
#include "toolkit.h"

/** structure to be passed to compare function */ struct str {
double value;
int index;
[docs]/** compare double function */ int cmp_dbl(const void *a, const void *b) { struct str *a1 = (struct str *)a; struct str *a2 = (struct str *)b; if ((*a1).value < (*a2).value) return -1; else if ((*a1).value > (*a2).value) return 1; else return 0; }
[docs]/** compare int function */ int cmp_int(const void *a, const void *b) { int a1 = *((int*)a); int a2 = *((int*)b); if (a1 < a2) return -1; else if (a1 > a2) return 1; else return 0; }
[docs]/** check PC driving force and add phase if below hyperplane */ global_variable check_PC( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ double min_df, xeos_dist, norm; int max_n_pc, phase_add, id_cp, dist, ph,ph_id; int i,j,k,l,c,m; int n_candidate = 8; int pc_candidate[n_candidate]; int pc_added[n_candidate]; double df_candidate[n_candidate]; int id_c; /* section to add anti-ordering counterpart of active solution phases */ int add_max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[0] == 1){ ph_id = cp[i].id; if (SS_ref_db[ph_id].orderVar == 1 && add_max < 2){ gv.len_cp += 1; id_cp = gv.len_cp-1; strcpy(cp[id_cp].name,gv.SS_list[ph_id]); /* get phase name */ cp[id_cp].in_iter = gv.global_ite; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[0] = 1; /* set flags */ cp[id_cp].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[id_cp].split = 0; cp[id_cp].id = ph_id; /* get phase id */ cp[id_cp].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; /* get number of compositional variables */ cp[id_cp].n_em = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; /* get number of endmembers */ cp[id_cp].n_sf = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_sf; /* get number of site fractions */ for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].dguess[k] = cp[i].xeos[k]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].idOrderVar[k]; cp[id_cp].xeos[k] = cp[i].xeos[k]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].idOrderVar[k]; } for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].mu[k] = 0.0; } if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf(" - %4s anti-ordering counter-part [act phase]",gv.SS_list[ph_id]); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+8f",cp[id_cp].dguess[k]); } printf("\n"); } add_max += 1; } } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){ min_df = 1e6; // high starting value as it is expected to go down phase_add = 0; id_c = 0; for (k = 0; k < n_candidate; k++){ pc_candidate[k] = -1; pc_added[k] = -1; df_candidate[k] = 0.0; } if (SS_ref_db[i].ss_flags[0] == 1 && gv.verifyPC[i] == 1){ for (l = 0; l < SS_ref_db[i].tot_pc[0]; l++){ dist = 1; if (gv.n_solvi[i] > 0){ for (k = 0; k < gv.n_solvi[i]; k++){ /* go through the upper triangle of the matrix (avoiding diagonal)*/ ph = SS_ref_db[i].solvus_id[k]; xeos_dist = euclidean_distance(cp[ph].xeos, SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[l], SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos); if (xeos_dist < gv.PC_min_dist*gv.SS_PC_stp[i]*sqrt((double)SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos) ){ dist = 0; } } } if (dist == 1){ SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] = SS_ref_db[i].G_pc[l]; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] -= SS_ref_db[i].comp_pc[l][j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } if (SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] < min_df){ if (id_c == n_candidate){ id_c = 0;} pc_candidate[id_c] = l; df_candidate[id_c] = SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l]; id_c += 1; min_df = SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l]; } } } id_c -= 1; if (id_c == -1){ id_c = n_candidate-1;} for (int c = 0; c < n_candidate; c++){ if (id_c == n_candidate){ id_c = 0;} if (df_candidate[id_c] < gv.PC_df_add && pc_candidate[id_c] != -1){ if(phase_add == 0){ /** copy the minimized phase informations to cp structure */ gv.len_cp += 1; id_cp = gv.len_cp-1; strcpy(cp[id_cp].name,gv.SS_list[i]); /* get phase name */ cp[id_cp].in_iter = gv.global_ite; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[0] = 1; /* set flags */ cp[id_cp].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[id_cp].split = 0; cp[id_cp].id = i; /* get phase id */ cp[id_cp].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; /* get number of compositional variables */ cp[id_cp].n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; /* get number of endmembers */ cp[id_cp].n_sf = SS_ref_db[i].n_sf; /* get number of site fractions */ for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].dguess[k] = SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_candidate[id_c]][k]; cp[id_cp].xeos[k] = SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_candidate[id_c]][k]; } for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].mu[k] = 0.0; } gv.n_solvi[i] += 1; pc_added[phase_add] = pc_candidate[id_c]; phase_add += 1; if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf(" - %4s %5d, DF: %+10f added [PC DF check]",gv.SS_list[i],pc_candidate[id_c],df_candidate[id_c]); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+8f",cp[id_cp].dguess[k]); } printf("\n"); } id_c += 1; if (SS_ref_db[i].orderVar == 1){ gv.len_cp += 1; id_cp = gv.len_cp-1; strcpy(cp[id_cp].name,gv.SS_list[i]); /* get phase name */ cp[id_cp].in_iter = gv.global_ite; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[0] = 1; /* set flags */ cp[id_cp].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[id_cp].split = 0; cp[id_cp].id = i; /* get phase id */ cp[id_cp].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; /* get number of compositional variables */ cp[id_cp].n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; /* get number of endmembers */ cp[id_cp].n_sf = SS_ref_db[i].n_sf; /* get number of site fractions */ for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].dguess[k] = cp[id_cp-1].dguess[k]*SS_ref_db[i].idOrderVar[k]; cp[id_cp].xeos[k] = cp[id_cp-1].xeos[k]*SS_ref_db[i].idOrderVar[k]; } for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].mu[k] = 0.0; } if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf(" anti-ordering counterpart:"); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+8f",cp[id_cp].dguess[k]); } printf("\n"); } } } else{ dist = 1; for (m = 0; m < phase_add; m++){ xeos_dist = euclidean_distance(SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_candidate[id_c]], SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_added[m]], SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos); if (xeos_dist < gv.PC_min_dist*gv.SS_PC_stp[i]*sqrt((double)SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos) ){ dist = 0; } } if (dist == 1){ /** copy the minimized phase informations to cp structure */ gv.len_cp += 1; id_cp = gv.len_cp-1; strcpy(cp[id_cp].name,gv.SS_list[i]); /* get phase name */ cp[id_cp].in_iter = gv.global_ite; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[0] = 1; /* set flags */ cp[id_cp].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[id_cp].split = 0; cp[id_cp].id = i; /* get phase id */ cp[id_cp].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; /* get number of compositional variables */ cp[id_cp].n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; /* get number of endmembers */ cp[id_cp].n_sf = SS_ref_db[i].n_sf; /* get number of site fractions */ for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].dguess[k] = SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_candidate[id_c]][k]; cp[id_cp].xeos[k] = SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[pc_candidate[id_c]][k]; } for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].mu[k] = 0.0; } gv.n_solvi[i] += 1; pc_added[phase_add] = pc_candidate[id_c]; phase_add += 1; if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf(" - %4s %5d, DF: %+10f added [PC DF check]",gv.SS_list[i],pc_candidate[id_c],df_candidate[id_c]); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+8f",cp[id_cp].dguess[k]); } printf("\n"); } id_c += 1; if (SS_ref_db[i].orderVar == 1){ gv.len_cp += 1; id_cp = gv.len_cp-1; strcpy(cp[id_cp].name,gv.SS_list[i]); /* get phase name */ cp[id_cp].in_iter = gv.global_ite; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[0] = 1; /* set flags */ cp[id_cp].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[id_cp].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[id_cp].split = 0; cp[id_cp].id = i; /* get phase id */ cp[id_cp].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; /* get number of compositional variables */ cp[id_cp].n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; /* get number of endmembers */ cp[id_cp].n_sf = SS_ref_db[i].n_sf; /* get number of site fractions */ for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].dguess[k] = cp[id_cp-1].dguess[k]*SS_ref_db[i].idOrderVar[k]; cp[id_cp].xeos[k] = cp[id_cp-1].xeos[k]*SS_ref_db[i].idOrderVar[k]; } for (k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++){ cp[id_cp].mu[k] = 0.0; } if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf(" anti-ordering counterpart:"); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+8f",cp[id_cp].dguess[k]); } printf("\n"); } } } } } } } } return gv; };
[docs]/** checks if the pseudocompounds generated during the levelling stage yield a negative driving force */ global_variable check_PC_driving_force( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ int max_n_pc, n_em; printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){ if (SS_ref_db[i].ss_flags[0] == 1){ n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; for (int l = 0; l < SS_ref_db[i].tot_pc[0] ; l++){ SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] = SS_ref_db[i].G_pc[l]; for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] -= SS_ref_db[i].comp_pc[l][j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } if (SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l] < -1e-10){ printf("%4s #%4d | %+10f | ",gv.SS_list[i],l,SS_ref_db[i].DF_pc[l]); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+10f",SS_ref_db[i].xeos_pc[l][k]); } for (int k = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k < 11; k++){ printf(" %10s","-"); } printf("\n"); } } } } if (1 == 1){ for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){ if (SS_ref_db[i].ss_flags[0] == 1){ n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; for (int l = 0; l < SS_ref_db[i].tot_Ppc; l++){ SS_ref_db[i].DF_Ppc[l] = SS_ref_db[i].G_Ppc[l]; for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { SS_ref_db[i].DF_Ppc[l] -= SS_ref_db[i].comp_Ppc[l][j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } if (SS_ref_db[i].info_Ppc[l] == 9){ printf("%4s #%4d | %+10f | ",gv.SS_list[i],l,SS_ref_db[i].DF_Ppc[l]); for (int k = 0; k < SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k++) { printf(" %+10f",SS_ref_db[i].xeos_Ppc[l][k]); } for (int k = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; k < 11; k++){ printf(" %10s","-"); } printf("\n"); } } } } } return gv; };
[docs]/** Merge solution phase routine */ global_variable phase_merge_function( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ if (gv.verbose == 1){ printf("\nMerge Compositionally close solution phases\n"); printf("════════════════════════════════════════════\n"); printf(" phase | #cp > #cp | Euclidian distance\n"); } int ph_id, i, j, k, l, iss, phA, phB; double distance; /* reinitialize the number of SS instances */ for (iss = 0; iss < gv.len_ss; iss++){ gv.n_solvi[iss] = 0; } /* get number of duplicated phases and their cp id */ for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[0] == 1 ){ ph_id = cp[i].id; SS_ref_db[ph_id].solvus_id[gv.n_solvi[ph_id]] = i; gv.n_solvi[ph_id] += 1; } } /* check and merge phases in the active assemblage */ for (iss = 0; iss < gv.len_ss; iss++){ /* if there is a possible solvus */ if (gv.n_solvi[iss] > 1){ /* go through the upper triange of the matrix (avoiding diagonal)*/ for (k = 0; k < gv.n_solvi[iss]; k++){ for (l = k+1; l < gv.n_solvi[iss]; l++){ phA = SS_ref_db[iss].solvus_id[k]; phB = SS_ref_db[iss].solvus_id[l]; /* if the two instances of the same phase can still be considered (not removed from previous iteration)*/ if (phA != -1 && phB != -1){ /* get the norm of the Euclidian distance */ distance = euclidean_distance( cp[phA].p_em, cp[phB].p_em, SS_ref_db[iss].n_em); /* if the distance is lower than the one given in initiialize.h then proceed to merge */ if (distance < gv.merge_value){ /** case 1: both instances are either on ACTIVE or on HOLD */ if (cp[phA].ss_flags[1] + cp[phB].ss_flags[1] != 1){ if (gv.verbose ==1){ printf(" %5s | %1d.%1d > %1d.%1d | %+10f\n",gv.SS_list[iss],l,cp[phB].ss_flags[1],k,cp[phA].ss_flags[1],distance); } /* in case both phases are active, add phase B fraction on phase A */ if(cp[phA].ss_flags[1] == 1 && cp[phB].ss_flags[1] == 1){ cp[phA].ss_n += cp[phB].ss_n; /* merge compositional variables at mid point */ for (i = 0; i < cp[phA].n_xeos; i++){ cp[phA].xeos[i] = (cp[phA].xeos[i] + cp[phB].xeos[i])/2.0; } gv.n_cp_phase -= 1; gv.n_phase -= 1; } cp[phB].ss_flags[0] = 0; cp[phB].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[phB].ss_flags[2] = 0; cp[phB].ss_n = 0.0; SS_ref_db[iss].solvus_id[l] = -1; } else{ /* Phase A is ACTIVE */ if (cp[phA].ss_flags[1] == 1){ if (gv.verbose ==1){ printf(" %5s | %1d.%1d > %1d.%1d | %+10f\n",gv.SS_list[iss],l,cp[phB].ss_flags[1],k,cp[phA].ss_flags[1],distance); } cp[phB].ss_flags[0] = 0; cp[phB].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[phB].ss_flags[2] = 0; cp[phB].ss_n = 0.0; SS_ref_db[iss].solvus_id[l] = -1; } else{ /* Phase B is ACTIVE */ if (gv.verbose ==1){ printf(" %5s | %1d.%1d > %1d.%1d | %+10f\n",gv.SS_list[iss],l,cp[phA].ss_flags[1],k,cp[phB].ss_flags[1],distance); } cp[phA].ss_flags[0] = 0; cp[phA].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[phA].ss_flags[2] = 0; cp[phA].ss_n = 0.0; SS_ref_db[iss].solvus_id[k] = -1; } } } } } } } } /* reinitialize the number of SS instances */ for (iss = 0; iss < gv.len_ss; iss++){ gv.n_solvi[iss] = 0; } /* get number of duplicated phases and their cp id */ for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[0] == 1 ){ ph_id = cp[i].id; SS_ref_db[ph_id].solvus_id[gv.n_solvi[ph_id]] = i; gv.n_solvi[ph_id] += 1; } } return gv; };
[docs]/** from active to hold function */ global_variable phase_act2hold( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ /** REMOVE AND DELETE PHASES FROM CONSIDERATION IF FRACTION < 0.0**/ for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1 && gv.ph_change == 0){ if (gv.pp_n[i] < 0.0 ){ gv.pp_flags[i][1] = 0; gv.pp_flags[i][2] = 1; gv.pp_n[i] = 0.0; gv.n_pp_phase -= 1; gv.n_phase -= 1; gv.ph_change = 1; /** put to 0 if you want to allow multiple phase removal on top of 1 phase addition */ } } } for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1 && gv.ph_change == 0){ if (cp[i].ss_n <= 0.0){ cp[i].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[i].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[i].ss_n = 0.0; gv.n_cp_phase -= 1; gv.n_phase -= 1; gv.ph_change = 1; /** phase has been removed, then do not add phase during this iteration */ } } } for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1 && gv.ph_change == 0){ if (cp[i].ss_n < 1e-3 && cp[i].df > 1e-3 && cp[i].sum_xi < 1.0){ cp[i].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[i].ss_flags[2] = 1; cp[i].ss_n = 0.0; gv.n_cp_phase -= 1; gv.n_phase -= 1; gv.ph_change = 1; /** phase has been removed, then do not add phase during this iteration */ } } } return gv; }
[docs]/** from active to hold function */ global_variable phase_hold2rmv( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ /** REMOVE AND DELETE PHASES FROM CONSIDERATION IF DELTA G IS GETTING TOO LARGE**/ // for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ // if (gv.pp_flags[i][2] == 1){ // if (PP_ref_db[i].gb_lvl*PP_ref_db[i].factor > gv.bnd_filter_pc){ // gv.pp_flags[i][0] = 0; // gv.pp_flags[i][1] = 0; // gv.pp_flags[i][2] = 0; // gv.pp_flags[i][3] = 1; // gv.pp_n[i] = 0.0; /** put to 0 if you want to allow multiple phase removal on top of 1 phase addition */ // } // } // } for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[2] == 1){ if (cp[i].df*cp[i].factor > gv.bnd_filter_pge){ cp[i].ss_flags[0] = 0; cp[i].ss_flags[1] = 0; cp[i].ss_flags[2] = 0; cp[i].ss_flags[3] = 1; cp[i].ss_n = 0.0; /** phase has been removed, then do not add phase during this iteration */ } } } return gv; }
[docs]/** from active to hold function */ global_variable phase_hold2act( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ double dnorm = 0.0; /** max driving force under which a phase can be considered to be added */ double min_sumxi = 1.0; /** min sum of xi fractions over which a solution phase can be considered to be added */ /* get number of hold phase for pure phases */ int n_pp_hld = 0; int pp_act[gv.len_ox]; int inc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ pp_act[inc] = i; inc +=1; } if (gv.pp_flags[i][2] == 1 && PP_ref_db[i].gb_lvl*PP_ref_db[i].factor < gv.min_df){ n_pp_hld += 1; } } /* get number of hold phase for solution phases */ int n_cp_hld = 0; int cp_act[gv.len_ox]; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ cp_act[i] = 0; } inc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ cp_act[inc] = i; inc += 1; } if (cp[i].ss_flags[2] == 1 && cp[i].df*cp[i].factor < gv.min_df && cp[i].sf_ok == 1){ n_cp_hld += 1; } } /** -----------------------------------SORTING PURE AND SOLUTION PHASES BY DRIVING FORCES------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ /* create the structures that will hold the phase array sorted by driving force */ struct str hld_cp_sort[n_cp_hld]; struct str hld_pp_sort[n_pp_hld]; inc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[2] == 1 && cp[i].df*cp[i].factor < gv.min_df && cp[i].sf_ok == 1){ hld_cp_sort[inc].value = cp[i].df*cp[i].factor; hld_cp_sort[inc].index = i; inc += 1; } } /* sort ss array using str structure containing, DF values and phase indices */ qsort(hld_cp_sort, n_cp_hld, sizeof(hld_cp_sort[0]), cmp_dbl); qsort(cp_act, sizeof(cp_act)/sizeof(*cp_act), sizeof(*cp_act), cmp_int); inc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][2] == 1 && PP_ref_db[i].gb_lvl*PP_ref_db[i].factor < gv.min_df){ hld_pp_sort[inc].value = PP_ref_db[i].gb_lvl*PP_ref_db[i].factor; hld_pp_sort[inc].index = i; inc += 1; } } /* sort pp array using str structure containing, DF values and phase indices */ qsort(hld_pp_sort, n_pp_hld, sizeof(hld_pp_sort[0]), cmp_dbl); qsort(pp_act, sizeof(pp_act)/sizeof(*pp_act), sizeof(*pp_act), cmp_int); /** ADD NEW SOLUTION PHASE TO THE SYSTEM */ for (int i = 0; i < n_cp_hld; i++){ int ixs = hld_cp_sort[i].index; double df = hld_cp_sort[i].value; /** loop through sorted SS in hold */ /** if driving force is negative, phase can be potentially added to the system and decrease Gibbs */ if (df < gv.min_df){ /** if phase was never previously added to the system */ if ( gv.ph_change == 0 ){ cp[ixs].ss_flags[1] = 1; /** set to active */ cp[ixs].ss_flags[2] = 0; /** reset hold */ cp[ixs].ss_n = gv.re_in_n; /** set initial fraction */ gv.n_cp_phase += 1; /** set new number of active SS */ gv.n_phase += 1; /** set new number of total active phases */ gv.ph_change = 1; /** a phase change has been achieved during the iteration */ } } } /* ADD PURE PHASE TO CURRENT ASSEMBLAGE */ int is_polymorph = 0; /** if = 0, pure phase is a polymorph else is not a polymorph */ int id_polymorph = -1; /** save index of the polymorph pure phase */ for (int i = 0; i < n_pp_hld; i++){ /** loop through sorted SS in hold */ int ixp = hld_pp_sort[i].index; /* list through pure phases ordered by increasing dG */ if (hld_pp_sort[i].value < 0.0){ /** if driving force is negative, phase can be potentially added to the system and decrease Gibbs */ if (gv.ph_change == 0 ){ /** if phase can be potentially added to the system */ if (gv.n_pp_phase > 0){ /** if a pure phase is already in the active set of phases */ /* check if pure phase to add is a polymorph of one of active pure phase */ for (int k = 0; k < gv.len_pp; k++){ if (gv.pp_flags[k][1] == 1 ){ /** compare pure phase to add with pure phase in the active set */ is_polymorph = 0; for (int l = 0; l < gv.len_ox; l++){ if (PP_ref_db[k].Comp[l] != PP_ref_db[ixp].Comp[l]){ is_polymorph = 1; break; } } if (is_polymorph == 0){ id_polymorph = k; break; } } } if (is_polymorph != 0){ /** if the pure phase to add is not a polymorph to an active phase, then just add it */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][1] = 1; /** set to active */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][2] = 0; /** reset hold */ gv.pp_n[ixp] = gv.re_in_n; /** set initial fraction */ gv.n_pp_phase += 1; /** set new number of active PP */ gv.n_phase += 1; /** set new number of total active phases */ gv.ph_change = 1; /** a phase change has been achieved during the iteration */ } else{ if (PP_ref_db[ixp].gb_lvl < PP_ref_db[id_polymorph].gb_lvl){ gv.pp_flags[ixp][1] = 1; /** set to active */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][2] = 0; /** reset hold */ gv.pp_n[ixp] = gv.pp_n[id_polymorph]; /** set initial fraction to initial polymorph */ gv.pp_flags[id_polymorph][1] = 0; /** set initial polymorph to inactive */ gv.pp_flags[id_polymorph][2] = 0; /** reset hold */ gv.pp_flags[id_polymorph][3] = 1; /** remove initial polymorph */ gv.pp_n[id_polymorph] = 0.0; /** reset initial polymorph fraction to 0.0 */ gv.ph_change = 1; /** a phase change has been achieved during the iteration */ } else{ gv.pp_flags[ixp][1] = 0; /** set to inactive */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][2] = 0; /** reset hold */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][3] = 1; /** remove initial polymorph */ } } } else{ /** if no pure phase are in the active set of phases */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][1] = 1; /** set to active */ gv.pp_flags[ixp][2] = 0; /** reset hold */ gv.pp_n[ixp] = gv.re_in_n; /** set initial fraction */ gv.n_pp_phase += 1; /** set new number of active PP */ gv.n_phase += 1; /** set new number of total active phases */ gv.ph_change = 1; /** a phase change has been achieved during the iteration */ } } } } return gv; }
[docs]/** main phase update routine */ global_variable phase_update_function( bulk_info z_b, global_variable gv, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp ){ /* initial phase change flag */ gv.ph_change = 0; /* remove phases with negative fraction */ gv = phase_hold2rmv( z_b, /** bulk rock constraint */ gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp ); /* remove phases with negative fraction */ gv = phase_act2hold( z_b, /** bulk rock constraint */ gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp ); /* check if a phase can be added, and add it */ if (gv.n_phase < z_b.nzEl_val){ gv = phase_hold2act( z_b, /** bulk rock constraint */ gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp ); } return gv; };