
../_images/julia.png like any other Julia package is easy to install and use.

Install Julia

If you don’t have Julia you can download it here:

Then, extract the archive and create a symbolic link. On linux this can be achieved as:

sudo ln -s /path_to_julia/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia

On linux, the symbolic link makes Julia accessible from the terminal (ctrl + alt + t) by simply typing in terminal:


Running Julia from the command line should open the next window:


Install MAGEMin_C

Open the package manager by typing ]:


To install MAGEMin_C enter in the command window of the package manager:

add MAGEMin_C

After the installation is complete, you can test the package by typing:

test MAGEMin_C

Which gives the test summary:


The tests run a serie of minimizations and compare them with the expected results. If everything went fine all tests should pass.