List of objective functions used for non-linear minimization and to generate pseudocompounds
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include "nlopt.h"
#include "MAGEMin.h"
#include "toolkit.h"
/**********************METABASITE DATABASE (Gree et al., 2016)*************************/
Endmember to xeos for L
void p2x_mb_liq(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[7] = d->p[8];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[1]/(d->p[1] + d->p[2]);
d->iguess[3] = (d->p[3] + d->iguess[7])/(d->iguess[7] + 1.0);
d->iguess[4] = (d->p[4] + d->iguess[7])/(d->iguess[7] + 1.0);
d->iguess[0] = d->p[0]/(d->iguess[7] + 1.0);
d->iguess[6] = d->p[5]/(d->p[5] + d->p[6]);
d->iguess[1] = (d->p[1] + d->p[2])/(d->iguess[7] + 1.0);
d->iguess[5] = (d->p[5] + d->p[6])/(d->iguess[7] + 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for amp
void p2x_mb_amp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[7] = d->p[10];
d->iguess[6] = d->p[8];
d->iguess[2] = d->iguess[6] + d->p[3];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[2] + d->p[9];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[9]/(d->p[2] + d->p[9]);
d->iguess[5] = d->iguess[3] + d->p[0] + d->p[1] + d->iguess[7];
d->iguess[1] = -0.5*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[5] - 1.0*d->iguess[6] - 1.0*d->p[0] - 1.0*d->iguess[7] + d->iguess[2];
d->iguess[0] = (5.0*d->iguess[5] + 5.0*d->p[4] - 2.0*d->p[5] + d->p[6] + 5.0*d->iguess[2] - 5.0)/(2.0*d->iguess[5] + 2.0*d->iguess[6] + 2.0*d->iguess[7] + 2.0*d->iguess[1] + 2.0*d->iguess[2] - 7.0);
d->iguess[8] = -0.4*d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[0] + 2.0*d->iguess[5] - 0.4*d->iguess[6]*d->iguess[0] + 2.0*d->p[4] - 0.4*d->p[5] + 1.2*d->p[6] - 0.4*d->iguess[7]*d->iguess[0] - 0.4*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1] - 0.4*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[2] + 2.4*d->iguess[0] + 2.0*d->iguess[2] - 2.0;
d->iguess[9] = (-2.0*d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[0] + 5.0*d->iguess[5] + 5.0*d->p[4] + 3.0*d->p[6] - 2.0*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[2] + 5.0*d->iguess[0] + 5.0*d->iguess[2] - 5.0)/(2.0*d->iguess[6] + 2.0*d->iguess[7] + 2.0*d->iguess[1] - 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for aug
void p2x_mb_aug(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[6] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[6] + d->iguess[6];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[4] = d->iguess[2] + d->p[3];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[0] + d->iguess[1];
d->iguess[0] = (2.0*d->iguess[4] + 2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[7] + 2.0*d->iguess[3] - 2.0)/(2.0*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[3] - 2.0);
d->iguess[5] = (4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[1] + 4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[2] + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[7] + 4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + 4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] - 8.0*d->iguess[4] + 4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[4] + 4.0*d->p[1]*d->iguess[1] - 4.0*d->p[1] + 2.0*d->p[2]*d->iguess[1] + 2.0*d->p[2]*d->iguess[3] - 4.0*d->p[2] + 2.0*d->p[7]*d->iguess[1] - 2.0*d->p[7] + 4.0*d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[3] - 4.0*d->iguess[1] - 4.0*d->iguess[3] + 4.0)/(d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + 3.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] - 4.0*d->iguess[4] + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[3] - 1.0*d->iguess[1] - 3.0*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[3] + 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for dio
void p2x_mb_dio(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[4] = 0.5*d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = 0.5*d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->iguess[3] + d->p[0] + d->p[3] + 2.0*d->iguess[4];
d->iguess[5] = (d->iguess[3]*d->p[2] + 0.5*d->iguess[3]*d->p[5] + 0.5*d->iguess[1]*d->p[5] - 0.5*d->p[5])/(d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - 1.0*d->iguess[3] - 2.0*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[1] + 1.0);
d->iguess[0] = (-1.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[5] - 1.0*d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[5] + 0.5*d->p[5] + d->iguess[5])/d->iguess[3];
d->iguess[2] = (-1.0*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[1] - 1.0*d->p[0] - 1.0*d->iguess[4])/d->iguess[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for opx
void p2x_mb_opx(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[0] = (d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2] + d->p[0] - 1.0*d->p[1] + d->iguess[1] - 1.0)/(d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[1] - 2.0);
d->iguess[4] = (-1.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[0] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[0] - 1.0*d->p[2] + d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1])/(d->iguess[3] - 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for g
void p2x_mb_g(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]/(1.0 - 1.0*d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ol
void p2x_mb_ol(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for fsp
void p2x_mb_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for abc
void p2x_mb_abc(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for k4tr
void p2x_mb_k4tr(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for sp
void p2x_mb_sp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = -1.0*d->p[2] - 1.0*d->iguess[2] + 1.0;
d->iguess[0] = (-1.0*d->p[1] + d->iguess[2] + 1.0)/(d->iguess[2] + 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ilm
void p2x_mb_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1] + d->iguess[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ilmm
void p2x_mb_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[0] = 1.0 - 1.0*d->p[2];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ep
void p2x_mb_ep(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = 0.5*d->p[1];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2] + d->iguess[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for bi
void p2x_mb_bi(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[0] = (-3.0*d->p[1] - 1.0*d->p[2])/(d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[1] - 3.0);
d->iguess[4] = 1.5*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[2] + 1.5*d->p[0] + 1.5*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[3] + 1.5*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1] - 1.5*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[1] + 1.5;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for mu
void p2x_mb_mu(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[3] + d->p[0];
d->iguess[0] = (d->p[1] + d->iguess[1] - 1.0)/(d->iguess[1] - 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for chl
void p2x_mb_chl(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = 0.5*d->p[0] + 0.5*d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2] + d->iguess[3];
d->iguess[5] = (5.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[0] + d->iguess[2]*d->p[1] - 3.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[4] - 8.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] - 2.0*d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[2] + 5.0*d->p[0]*d->iguess[3] + 5.0*d->p[0]*d->iguess[1] - 5.0*d->p[0] + d->p[1]*d->iguess[3] + d->p[1]*d->iguess[1] - 1.0*d->p[1] - 4.0*d->p[4]*d->iguess[3] - 2.0*d->p[4]*d->iguess[1] - 2.0*d->p[4] - 8.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] + 8.0*d->iguess[3] - 9.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[3] - 2.0*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[1] + 1.0)/(d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] - 7.0*d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[2] + 2.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - 6.0*d->iguess[3] - 8.0*d->iguess[1] + 2.0*d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[1] + 6.0);
d->iguess[0] = (d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[5] - 1.0*d->p[4] + d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[1] - 1.0*d->iguess[5])/(d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[1] - 1.0);
d->iguess[4] = (d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[5] - 0.8*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[0] - 0.8*d->p[5] + d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[5]*d->iguess[1] - 1.0*d->iguess[5] - 1.6*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1] + 0.8*d->iguess[0])/(d->iguess[3] - 1.0*d->iguess[1] + 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Update dpdx matrix of L
void dpdx_mb_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[7] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][7] = x[0];
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[2]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[1][2] = x[1]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][7] = x[1]*x[2];
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = (1.0 -x[2])*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[2][2] = -x[1]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = x[1]*(1.0 -x[2]);
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = x[7] + 1.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][7] = x[3] - 1.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = x[7] + 1.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][7] = x[4] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = x[6]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[5][6] = x[5]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[5][7] = x[5]*x[6];
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = (1.0 -x[6])*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[6][6] = -x[5]*(x[7] + 1.0); dp_dx[6][7] = x[5]*(1.0 -x[6]);
dp_dx[7][0] = -x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[7][1] = -x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = -x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[7][4] = -x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[7][5] = -x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][7] = -x[0] -x[1] -x[3] -x[4] -x[5] + 1.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][7] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of amp
void dpdx_mb_amp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][3] = -0.500; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][6] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][7] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][2] = -1.00; dp_dx[1][3] = -0.500; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 1.0 -x[4]; dp_dx[2][4] = -x[3]; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = -1.00; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = x[2] + x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][6] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][7] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][8] = -1.50; dp_dx[4][9] = x[1] + x[6] + x[7] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = -x[1] + x[2] + x[5] -x[6] -x[7] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][1] = -x[0] + 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[5][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = x[0]; dp_dx[5][6] = -x[0] + 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[5][7] = -x[0] + 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[5][8] = -2.50; dp_dx[5][9] = 2.0*x[1] + 2.0*x[6] + 2.0*x[7] - 2.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = -x[2] -x[5]; dp_dx[6][1] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = -x[0]; dp_dx[6][6] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][7] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][8] = 2.50; dp_dx[6][9] = -x[1] -x[6] -x[7] + 1.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = x[1] -x[2] -x[5] + x[6] + x[7]; dp_dx[7][1] = x[0] - 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[7][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = -x[0]; dp_dx[7][6] = x[0] - 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[7][7] = x[0] - 2.0*x[9]; dp_dx[7][8] = 1.50; dp_dx[7][9] = -2.0*x[1] - 2.0*x[6] - 2.0*x[7] + 2.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 1.00; dp_dx[8][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[9][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][3] = x[4]; dp_dx[9][4] = x[3]; dp_dx[9][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[10][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][7] = 1.00; dp_dx[10][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][9] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of aug
void dpdx_mb_aug(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][3] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[3] + x[4] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = x[0] + 0.5*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][4] = x[0] + 0.5*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.5*x[3] + 0.5*x[4] - 0.5; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[1] -x[4] + 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.5*x[5]; dp_dx[2][4] = -x[0] + 0.5*x[5]; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.5*x[3] + 0.5*x[4] - 0.5; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = -1.00; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 1.00;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][6] = -1.00;
dp_dx[7][0] = x[1] -x[3]; dp_dx[7][1] = x[0]; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = -x[0] -x[5]; dp_dx[7][4] = -x[5]; dp_dx[7][5] = -x[3] -x[4] + 1.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of dio
void dpdx_mb_dio(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0 -x[2]; dp_dx[0][2] = -x[1]; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[1] -x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[0] -x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -x[0] -x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = -x[1] -x[3] + 1.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[1] -x[3] + 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0] -x[5]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = -x[0] -x[5]; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = -x[1] -x[3] + 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = x[2]; dp_dx[3][2] = x[1]; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = -1.00; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 2.00; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 2.0*x[3]; dp_dx[5][1] = 2.0*x[5]; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 2.0*x[0] + 2.0*x[5]; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 2.0*x[1] + 2.0*x[3] - 2.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 2.00; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of opx
void dpdx_mb_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][3] = x[0] + 0.5*x[4] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.5*x[3] - 0.5;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[1] -x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.5*x[4]; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.5*x[3] - 0.5;
dp_dx[2][0] = x[1] + x[2] -x[3]; dp_dx[2][1] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = -x[0] -x[4]; dp_dx[2][4] = 1.0 -x[3];
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 1.00; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of g
void dpdx_mb_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 -x[1]; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of ol
void dpdx_mb_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of fsp
void dpdx_mb_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of abc
void dpdx_mb_abc(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of k4tr
void dpdx_mb_k4tr(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.00;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of sp
void dpdx_mb_sp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 1.0 -x[0];
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][2] = -1.00;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of ilm
void dpdx_mb_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.00;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ilmm
void dpdx_mb_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[1][2] = -1.00;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ep
void dpdx_mb_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 2.00;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.00;
Update dpdx matrix of bi
void dpdx_mb_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -2.0/3.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = -1.0/3.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[1] -x[2] -x[3]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][4] = 1.00;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.00; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of mu
void dpdx_mb_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0 -x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 1.00;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of chl
void dpdx_mb_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -x[1] -x[2] -x[3]; dp_dx[0][1] = -x[0] + 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[0][2] = -x[0] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[0][3] = -x[0] - 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5] + 2.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.25*x[1] - 0.25*x[3] - 0.25; dp_dx[0][5] = 1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[3] - 1.25;
dp_dx[1][0] = 3.0*x[1] + 2.0*x[2] + x[3] - 2.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 3.0*x[0] - 1.25*x[4] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 2.0*x[0] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][3] = x[0] + 1.25*x[4] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][4] = -1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[3] + 1.25; dp_dx[1][5] = -2.25*x[1] - 2.25*x[2] - 2.25*x[3] + 2.25;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3]; dp_dx[3][1] = x[0] - 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][2] = x[0] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][3] = x[0] + 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][4] = -0.25*x[1] + 0.25*x[3] + 0.25; dp_dx[3][5] = -1.25*x[1] - 1.25*x[2] - 1.25*x[3] + 1.25;
dp_dx[4][0] = -x[1] -x[2] -x[3] + 1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][2] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][3] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = -2.0*x[1] -x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][1] = -2.0*x[0] + 1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][2] = -x[0] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][3] = -1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][4] = 1.25*x[1] - 1.25*x[3] - 1.25; dp_dx[5][5] = 1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[3] - 1.25;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0;
Endmember fraction of L
void px_mb_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*(x[7] + 1.0);
p[1] = x[1]*x[2]*(x[7] + 1.0);
p[2] = x[1]*(1.0 -x[2])*(x[7] + 1.0);
p[3] = x[3]*(x[7] + 1.0) -x[7];
p[4] = x[4]*(x[7] + 1.0) -x[7];
p[5] = x[5]*x[6]*(x[7] + 1.0);
p[6] = x[5]*(1.0 -x[6])*(x[7] + 1.0);
p[7] = x[7] + (x[7] + 1.0)*(-1.0*x[0] -x[1] -x[3] -x[4] -x[5]) + 1.0;
p[8] = x[7];
Endmember fraction of amp
void px_mb_amp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[1] + x[2] - 0.5*x[3] + x[5] -x[6] -x[7];
p[1] = x[1] -x[2] - 0.5*x[3] + x[6];
p[2] = -x[3]*x[4] + x[3];
p[3] = x[2] -x[6];
p[4] = x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[5] -x[0] + x[1]*x[9] -x[2] -x[5] + x[6]*x[9] + x[7]*x[9] - 1.5*x[8] -x[9] + 1.0;
p[5] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[5] -x[0]*x[6] -x[0]*x[7] + x[0] + 2.0*x[1]*x[9] + 2.0*x[6]*x[9] + 2.0*x[7]*x[9] - 2.5*x[8] - 2.0*x[9];
p[6] = -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[5] -x[1]*x[9] -x[6]*x[9] -x[7]*x[9] + 2.5*x[8] + x[9];
p[7] = x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[5] + x[0]*x[6] + x[0]*x[7] - 2.0*x[1]*x[9] - 2.0*x[6]*x[9] - 2.0*x[7]*x[9] + 1.5*x[8] + 2.0*x[9];
p[8] = x[6];
p[9] = x[3]*x[4];
p[10] = x[7];
Endmember fraction of aug
void px_mb_aug(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[1] + x[3];
p[1] = x[0]*x[3] + x[0]*x[4] -x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[5] -x[3] + 0.5*x[4]*x[5] -x[4] - 0.5*x[5] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[4] + x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[5] + 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - 0.5*x[5];
p[3] = -x[2] + x[4];
p[4] = x[2];
p[5] = x[6];
p[6] = x[1] -x[6];
p[7] = x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[3] -x[3]*x[5] -x[4]*x[5] + x[5];
Endmember fraction of dio
void px_mb_dio(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[1]*x[2] + x[1] -x[3] -x[4];
p[1] = x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[3] -x[0] -x[1]*x[5] -x[1] -x[3]*x[5] -x[3] + x[5] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[3] + x[0] -x[1]*x[5] -x[3]*x[5] + x[5];
p[3] = x[1]*x[2] -x[4];
p[4] = 2.0*x[3];
p[5] = 2.0*x[0]*x[3] + 2.0*x[1]*x[5] + 2.0*x[3]*x[5] - 2.0*x[5];
p[6] = 2.0*x[4];
Endmember fraction of opx
void px_mb_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[3] -x[0] -x[1] -x[2] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] -x[3] - 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] - 0.5*x[4];
p[2] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] -x[3]*x[4] + x[4];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[2];
p[5] = x[3];
Endmember fraction of g
void px_mb_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[1] -x[0] -x[1] -x[2] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
p[3] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of ol
void px_mb_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of fsp
void px_mb_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0] -x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
Endmember fraction of abc
void px_mb_abc(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of k4tr
void px_mb_k4tr(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0];
p[1] = x[1];
p[2] = -x[0] -x[1] + 1.0;
Endmember fraction of sp
void px_mb_sp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1] + (x[0] - 1.0)*(x[2] + 1.0);
p[1] = (1.0 -x[0])*(x[2] + 1.0);
p[2] = -x[1] -x[2] + 1.0;
p[3] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of ilm
void px_mb_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1];
p[1] = x[0] -x[1];
p[2] = 1.0 -x[0];
Endmember fraction of ilmm
void px_mb_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[2];
p[1] = x[0] -x[1] -x[2];
p[2] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[3] = x[1];
Endmember fraction of ep
void px_mb_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0] -x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = 2.0*x[1];
p[2] = x[0] -x[1];
Endmember fraction of bi
void px_mb_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] -x[0] -x[1] -x[2] -x[3] - 2.0/3.0*x[4] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0] - 1.0/3.0*x[4];
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] + x[4];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[3];
p[5] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of mu
void px_mb_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1] -x[2] -x[3] -x[4];
p[1] = x[0]*x[1] -x[0] -x[1] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[3] = x[3];
p[4] = x[4];
p[5] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of chl
void px_mb_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] + 0.25*x[1]*x[4] + 1.25*x[1]*x[5] + 1.25*x[2]*x[5] - 0.25*x[3]*x[4] + 1.25*x[3]*x[5] + 2.0*x[3] - 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5];
p[1] = 3.0*x[0]*x[1] + 2.0*x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - 2.0*x[0] - 1.25*x[1]*x[4] - 2.25*x[1]*x[5] -x[1] - 2.25*x[2]*x[5] -x[2] + 1.25*x[3]*x[4] - 2.25*x[3]*x[5] -x[3] + 1.25*x[4] + 2.25*x[5] + 1.0;
p[2] = x[1] -x[3];
p[3] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - 0.25*x[1]*x[4] - 1.25*x[1]*x[5] - 1.25*x[2]*x[5] + 0.25*x[3]*x[4] - 1.25*x[3]*x[5] + 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5];
p[4] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[1]*x[5] + x[2]*x[5] + x[3]*x[5] -x[5];
p[5] = -2.0*x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + x[0] + 1.25*x[1]*x[4] + 1.25*x[1]*x[5] + 1.25*x[2]*x[5] - 1.25*x[3]*x[4] + 1.25*x[3]*x[5] - 1.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5];
p[6] = x[2];
Objective function of L
double obj_mb_liq(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[7] +(x[7] + 1.0)*(x[0] + x[1] + x[3] + x[4] + x[5]);
sf[1] = x[0]*(x[7] + 1.0);
sf[2] = x[1]*x[2]*(x[7] + 1.0);
sf[3] = x[1]*(1.0 -x[2])*(x[7] + 1.0);
sf[4] = x[3]*(x[7] + 1.0) - x[7];
sf[5] = x[4]*(x[7] + 1.0) - x[7];
sf[6] = x[7] +(x[7] + 1.0)*(-1.0*x[0] -x[1] -x[3] -x[4] -x[5]) + 1.0;
sf[7] = x[7];
sf[8] = x[5]*(x[7] + 1.0);
sf[9] = x[6];
sf[10] = 1.0 - x[6];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[1])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 5.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 5.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[8];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of amp
double obj_mb_amp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[3];
sf[1] = -x[3]*x[4] +x[3];
sf[2] =x[3]*x[4];
sf[3] = -x[0] +x[8] + 1.0;
sf[4] =x[0] - x[8];
sf[5] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[6] +x[0]*x[7] - x[0] - x[1]*x[9] - x[1] - x[6]*x[9] - x[6] - x[7]*x[9] - x[7] +x[9] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[6] - x[0]*x[7] +x[0] +x[1]*x[9] +x[6]*x[9] +x[7]*x[9] - x[9];
sf[7] =x[1];
sf[8] =x[6];
sf[9] =x[7];
sf[10] =x[5];
sf[11] =x[0]*x[2] +x[0]*x[5] - x[0] +x[1]*x[9] - x[2] - x[5] +x[6]*x[9] +x[7]*x[9] - 1.5*x[8] - x[9] + 1.0;
sf[12] = -x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[5] +x[0] - x[1]*x[9] - x[6]*x[9] - x[7]*x[9] + 1.5*x[8] +x[9];
sf[13] =x[2];
sf[14] = -0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2] - 0.25*x[3] - 0.5*x[6] - 0.5*x[7] + 1.0;
sf[15] = 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.25*x[3] + 0.5*x[6] + 0.5*x[7];
sf[16] = 1.0 - x[7];
sf[17] =x[7];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(8.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*sf[1]*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*sf[5]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[13], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[4], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[4], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[13], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0) + d_em[8])) + mu_Gex[8];
mu[9] = gb[9] + R*T*creal(clog(8.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*sf[5]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[9];
mu[10] = gb[10] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[17], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0) + d_em[10] )) + mu_Gex[10];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of aug
double obj_mb_aug(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[4] - x[0] - x[1] - 0.5*x[3]*x[5] - 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - x[4] + 0.5*x[5] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[4] +x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[5] + 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - 0.5*x[5];
sf[2] =x[1] - x[2] +x[4];
sf[3] =x[2];
sf[4] =x[0]*x[3] +x[0]*x[4] - x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[5] - x[3] + 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - x[4] - 0.5*x[5] + 1.0;
sf[5] = -x[0]*x[3] - x[0]*x[4] +x[0] - 0.5*x[3]*x[5] - 0.5*x[4]*x[5] + 0.5*x[5];
sf[6] =x[3];
sf[7] =x[4];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[6] + 1.0;
sf[9] = 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[6];
sf[10] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[6] + 1.0;
sf[11] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[6];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[4]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[1]*sf[5]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[2]*sf[7]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[3]*sf[7]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25) + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*sf[2]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[10], 0.125)*cpow(sf[11], 0.125)*sf[2]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 0.125)*cpow(sf[9], 0.125))) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[7];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of dio
double obj_mb_dio(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1]*x[5] - x[1] - x[3]*x[5] +x[3] +x[5] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[3] +x[0] +x[1]*x[5] +x[3]*x[5] - x[5];
sf[2] =x[1]*x[2] - x[4];
sf[3] = -x[1]*x[2] +x[1] - x[3] +x[4];
sf[4] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[3] - x[0] +x[1]*x[5] - x[1] +x[3]*x[5] - x[3] - x[5] + 1.0;
sf[5] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[3] +x[0] - x[1]*x[5] - x[3]*x[5] +x[5];
sf[6] =x[1]*x[2] +x[4];
sf[7] = -x[1]*x[2] +x[1] +x[3] - x[4];
sf[8] =x[1] - x[3];
sf[9] = -x[1] +x[3] + 1.0;
sf[10] =x[1] +x[3];
sf[11] = -x[1] - x[3] + 1.0;
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[10])*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[7])*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[11])*csqrt(sf[4])*csqrt(sf[9]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[11])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[5])*csqrt(sf[9]))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[10])*csqrt(sf[2])*csqrt(sf[6])*csqrt(sf[8]) +d_em[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[10])*csqrt(sf[7])*csqrt(sf[9]))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[11])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[4])*csqrt(sf[9]))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[10])*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[6])*csqrt(sf[8]) +d_em[6])) + mu_Gex[6];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of opx
double obj_mb_opx(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - 0.5*x[3]*x[4] + 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] +x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] - 0.5*x[4];
sf[2] =x[2];
sf[3] =x[1];
sf[4] =x[0]*x[3] - x[0] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] - x[3] - 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[5] = -x[0]*x[3] +x[0] - 0.5*x[3]*x[4] + 0.5*x[4];
sf[6] =x[3];
sf[7] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4]*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[5]*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5]*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*sf[3]*sf[4]*cpow(sf[7], 0.25)*cpow(sf[8], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*sf[2]*sf[4]*cpow(sf[7], 0.25)*cpow(sf[8], 0.25) + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[6]*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of g
double obj_mb_g(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] +x[0];
sf[2] =x[1];
sf[3] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[4] =x[2];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 3.0)*cpow(sf[4], 2.0) + d_em[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ol
double obj_mb_ol(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] =x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of fsp
double obj_mb_fsp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] =x[0];
sf[2] =x[1];
sf[3] = 0.25*x[0] + 0.25;
sf[4] = 0.75 - 0.25*x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[1]*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of abc
double obj_mb_abc(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] =x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1])) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of k4tr
double obj_mb_k4tr(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0];
sf[1] =x[1];
sf[2] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[3] = 0.25*x[1] + 0.25;
sf[4] = 0.75 - 0.25*x[1];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[1]*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of sp
double obj_mb_sp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[1];
sf[1] = -x[1] - x[2] + 1.0;
sf[2] =x[2];
sf[3] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[4] =x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[4] + d_em[2])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[4] + d_em[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ilm
double obj_mb_ilm(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1];
sf[1] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1];
sf[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[3] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1];
sf[4] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1];
sf[5] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4] + d_em[0])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]) + d_em[1])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[5] + d_em[2] )) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ilmm
double obj_mb_ilmm(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
sf[1] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2];
sf[2] =x[1];
sf[3] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[4] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2];
sf[5] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
sf[6] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[4])*csqrt(sf[5]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[3]*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[5])) + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ep
double obj_mb_ep(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0] - x[1];
sf[1] = -x[0] +x[1] + 1.0;
sf[2] =x[0] +x[1];
sf[3] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[2] + d_em[1])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2] + d_em[2])) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of bi
double obj_mb_bi(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[2] +x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - x[3] - 2.0/3.0*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[3] +x[0] + 2.0/3.0*x[4];
sf[2] =x[2];
sf[3] =x[3];
sf[4] =x[1];
sf[5] = -x[0] + 1.0/3.0*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[6] =x[0] - 1.0/3.0*x[4];
sf[7] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[8] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[9] = 1.0 - x[3];
sf[10] =x[3];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[4]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[3]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8] + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0) + d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of mu
double obj_mb_mu(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[3] - x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] =x[3];
sf[2] =x[4];
sf[3] =x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[4] = -x[0]*x[1] +x[0];
sf[5] =x[1];
sf[6] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[7] =x[2];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[9] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[4];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[5]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[5]*sf[7]*sf[8]*sf[9]+ d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of chl
double obj_mb_chl(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] =x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1]*x[4] - x[1] +x[3]*x[4] +x[3] +x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[3] +x[0] +x[1]*x[4] - x[3]*x[4] - x[4];
sf[2] =x[1] - x[3];
sf[3] = -x[0] + 0.25*x[1]*x[4] + 0.25*x[1]*x[5] + 0.25*x[2]*x[5] - 0.25*x[3]*x[4] + 0.25*x[3]*x[5] - 0.25*x[4] - 0.25*x[5] + 1.0;
sf[4] =x[0] - 0.25*x[1]*x[4] - 0.25*x[1]*x[5] - 0.25*x[2]*x[5] + 0.25*x[3]*x[4] - 0.25*x[3]*x[5] + 0.25*x[4] + 0.25*x[5];
sf[5] =x[0]*x[1] +x[0]*x[2] +x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1]*x[5] - x[1] - x[2]*x[5] - x[2] - x[3]*x[5] - x[3] +x[5] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[3] +x[0] +x[1]*x[5] +x[2]*x[5] +x[3]*x[5] - x[5];
sf[7] =x[2];
sf[8] =x[1] +x[3];
sf[9] = -x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
sf[10] =x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[10]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*sf[1]*cpow(sf[4], 4.0)*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[4], 4.0)*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[10]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[7]*sf[9] + d_em[6])) + mu_Gex[6];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
/**********************ULTRAMAFIC DATABASE (Evans & Frost., 2021)**********************/
Update dpdx matrix of fluid
void dpdx_um_fluid(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ol
void dpdx_um_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of br
void dpdx_um_br(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ch
void dpdx_um_ch(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of atg
void dpdx_um_atg(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] + x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] -x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] -x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -x[1] -x[2] + 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -0.5*x[3]; dp_dx[1][2] = -0.5*x[3]; dp_dx[1][3] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[1] -x[2]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0] + 1.5*x[3]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0] + 1.5*x[3]; dp_dx[2][3] = 1.5*x[1] + 1.5*x[2] - 1.5;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of g
void dpdx_um_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ta
void dpdx_um_ta(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] + x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 2.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 2.0; dp_dx[0][3] = 0.5*x[4] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.5*x[3] - 0.5;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 -x[3]; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -x[0] + x[4]; dp_dx[1][4] = x[3] - 1.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[1] -x[2] + x[3]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = x[0] - 1.5*x[4]; dp_dx[2][4] = 1.5 - 1.5*x[3];
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 2.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = -2.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 2.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of chl
void dpdx_um_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -x[1] -x[2] -x[3]; dp_dx[0][1] = -x[0] + 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[0][2] = -x[0] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[0][3] = -x[0] - 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5] + 2.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.25*x[1] - 0.25*x[3] - 0.25; dp_dx[0][5] = 1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[3] - 1.25;
dp_dx[1][0] = 3.0*x[1] + 2.0*x[2] + x[3] - 2.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 3.0*x[0] - 1.25*x[4] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 2.0*x[0] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][3] = x[0] + 1.25*x[4] - 2.25*x[5] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][4] = -1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[3] + 1.25; dp_dx[1][5] = -2.25*x[1] - 2.25*x[2] - 2.25*x[3] + 2.25;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3]; dp_dx[3][1] = x[0] - 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][2] = x[0] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][3] = x[0] + 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[3][4] = -0.25*x[1] + 0.25*x[3] + 0.25; dp_dx[3][5] = -1.25*x[1] - 1.25*x[2] - 1.25*x[3] + 1.25;
dp_dx[4][0] = -x[1] -x[2] -x[3] + 1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][2] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][3] = -x[0] + x[5]; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = -2.0*x[1] -x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][1] = -2.0*x[0] + 1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][2] = -x[0] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][3] = -1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][4] = 1.25*x[1] - 1.25*x[3] - 1.25; dp_dx[5][5] = 1.25*x[1] + 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[3] - 1.25;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of anth
void dpdx_um_anth(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][1] = x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.50; dp_dx[0][3] = x[1] - 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] =-x[0] + 2.0*x[3]; dp_dx[2][2] = -2.50; dp_dx[2][3] = 2.0*x[1] - 2.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] =-x[3]; dp_dx[3][2] = 2.50; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0 - x[1];
dp_dx[4][0] = x[1]; dp_dx[4][1] = x[0] - 2.0*x[3]; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.50; dp_dx[4][3] = 2.0 - 2.0*x[1];
Update dpdx matrix of spi
void dpdx_um_spi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of opx
void dpdx_um_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -0.50;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[1] -x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][3] = -0.50;
dp_dx[2][0] = x[1] + x[2]; dp_dx[2][1] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of po
void dpdx_um_po(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 8.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -8.0;
//-----------------------px for ev-------------------
Endmember fraction of fluid
void px_um_fluid(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0];
p[1] = 1.0 -x[0];
Endmember fraction of ol
void px_um_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of br
void px_um_br(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of ch
void px_um_ch(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of atg
void px_um_atg(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] -x[0] -x[1]*x[3] -x[1] -x[2]*x[3] -x[2] + x[3] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0] - 0.5*x[1]*x[3] - 0.5*x[2]*x[3] + 0.5*x[3];
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + 1.5*x[1]*x[3] + 1.5*x[2]*x[3] - 1.5*x[3];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of g
void px_um_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
Endmember fraction of ta
void px_um_ta(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] -x[0] - 2.0*x[1] - 2.0*x[2] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] + x[3] - 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[3]*x[4] -x[4];
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - 1.5*x[3]*x[4] + 1.5*x[4];
p[3] = 2.0*x[1] - 2.0*x[3];
p[4] = 2.0*x[2];
p[5] = x[3];
Endmember fraction of chl
void px_um_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] + 0.25*x[1]*x[4] + 1.25*x[1]*x[5] + 1.25*x[2]*x[5] - 0.25*x[3]*x[4] + 1.25*x[3]*x[5] + 2.0*x[3] - 0.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5];
p[1] = 3.0*x[0]*x[1] + 2.0*x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - 2.0*x[0] - 1.25*x[1]*x[4] - 2.25*x[1]*x[5] -x[1] - 2.25*x[2]*x[5] -x[2] + 1.25*x[3]*x[4] - 2.25*x[3]*x[5] -x[3] + 1.25*x[4] + 2.25*x[5] + 1.0;
p[2] = x[1] -x[3];
p[3] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - 0.25*x[1]*x[4] - 1.25*x[1]*x[5] - 1.25*x[2]*x[5] + 0.25*x[3]*x[4] - 1.25*x[3]*x[5] + 0.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[5];
p[4] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] -x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[1]*x[5] + x[2]*x[5] + x[3]*x[5] -x[5];
p[5] = -2.0*x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + x[0] + 1.25*x[1]*x[4] + 1.25*x[1]*x[5] + 1.25*x[2]*x[5] - 1.25*x[3]*x[4] + 1.25*x[3]*x[5] - 1.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[5];
p[6] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of anth
void px_um_anth(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] =-x[0] + x[1]*x[3] - x[1] - 1.5*x[2] - x[3] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[1];
p[2] =-x[0]*x[1] + x[0] + 2.0*x[1]*x[3] - 2.5*x[2] - 2.0*x[3];
p[3] =-x[1]*x[3] + 2.5*x[2] + x[3];
p[4] = x[0]*x[1] - 2.0*x[1]*x[3] + 1.5*x[2] + 2.0*x[3];
Endmember fraction of spi
void px_um_spi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0] + x[1] - 1.0;
p[1] = 1.0 -x[0];
p[2] = 1.0 -x[1];
Endmember fraction of opx
void px_um_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0] -x[1] -x[2] - 0.5*x[3] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[0]*x[1] -x[0]*x[2] + x[0] - 0.5*x[3];
p[2] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[3];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of po
void px_um_po(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 8.0*x[0];
p[1] = 1.0 - 8.0*x[0];
//-----------------------obj for ev-------------------
Objective function of fluid
double obj_um_fluid(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
sf[0] = x[0];
sf[1] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]));
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]));
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ol
double obj_um_ol(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of br
double obj_um_br(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]));
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]));
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ch
double obj_um_ch(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 9.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 9.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of atg
double obj_um_atg(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[1]*x[3] - x[1] - x[2]*x[3] - x[2] + x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0] + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[3] - x[3];
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = x[1];
sf[4] = -x[0] + 0.5*x[1]*x[3] + 0.5*x[2]*x[3] - 0.5*x[3] + 1.0;
sf[5] = x[0] - 0.5*x[1]*x[3] - 0.5*x[2]*x[3] + 0.5*x[3];
sf[6] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
sf[7] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[3]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*sf[6]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[2]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*sf[6]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of g
double obj_um_g(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 3.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 3.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ta
double obj_um_ta(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[3]*x[4] - x[3] + x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[3]*x[4] - x[4];
sf[2] = x[3];
sf[3] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] + 0.5*x[3]*x[4] - 0.5*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[4] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0] - 0.5*x[3]*x[4] + 0.5*x[4];
sf[5] = x[2];
sf[6] = x[1];
sf[7] = -x[1] - x[2] + x[3] + 1.0;
sf[8] = x[1] + x[2] - x[3];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 2.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(16.0*sf[0]*sf[3]*sf[6]*sf[7]*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(16.0*sf[0]*sf[3]*sf[5]*sf[7]*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of chl
double obj_um_chl(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1]*x[4] - x[1] + x[3]*x[4] + x[3] + x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[1]*x[4] - x[3]*x[4] - x[4];
sf[2] = x[1] - x[3];
sf[3] = -x[0] + 0.25*x[1]*x[4] + 0.25*x[1]*x[5] + 0.25*x[2]*x[5] - 0.25*x[3]*x[4] + 0.25*x[3]*x[5] - 0.25*x[4] - 0.25*x[5] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[0] - 0.25*x[1]*x[4] - 0.25*x[1]*x[5] - 0.25*x[2]*x[5] + 0.25*x[3]*x[4] - 0.25*x[3]*x[5] + 0.25*x[4] + 0.25*x[5];
sf[5] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1]*x[5] - x[1] - x[2]*x[5] - x[2] - x[3]*x[5] - x[3] + x[5] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + x[1]*x[5] + x[2]*x[5] + x[3]*x[5] - x[5];
sf[7] = x[2];
sf[8] = x[1] + x[3];
sf[9] = -x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
sf[10] = x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[10]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*sf[1]*cpow(sf[4], 4.0)*sf[8]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[4], 4.0)*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[10]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[7]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[6];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of anth
double obj_um_anth(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -x[0] + x[1]*x[3] - 1.5*x[2] - x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[0] - x[1]*x[3] + 1.5*x[2] + x[3];
sf[2] = -x[0] + x[2] + 1.0;
sf[3] = x[0] - x[2];
sf[4] = x[1];
sf[5] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1]*x[3] - x[1] + x[3] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0] + x[1]*x[3] - x[3];
sf[7] = 0.5*x[1];
sf[8] = 1.0 - 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 2.0)*cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*cpow(sf[0], 2.0)*cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[7])*csqrt(sf[8]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0)*cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of spi
double obj_um_spi(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[1];
sf[1] = 1.0 - x[1];
sf[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[3] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of opx
double obj_um_opx(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] + 0.5*x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0] - 0.5*x[3];
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = x[1];
sf[4] = -x[0] - 0.5*x[3] + 1.0;
sf[5] = x[0] + 0.5*x[3];
sf[6] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2];
sf[7] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4]*csqrt(sf[7]))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[5]*csqrt(sf[7]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5]*csqrt(sf[7]))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*sf[3]*sf[4]*cpow(sf[6], 0.25)*cpow(sf[7], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*sf[2]*sf[4]*cpow(sf[6], 0.25)*cpow(sf[7], 0.25))) + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of po
double obj_um_po(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[1] = x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4576*cpow(sf[0], 0.875)*cpow(sf[1], 0.125))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0])) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
//-----------------------p2x for ev-------------------
Endmember to xeos for fluid
void p2x_um_fluid(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[0];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ol
void p2x_um_ol(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for br
void p2x_um_br(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ch
void p2x_um_ch(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for atg
void p2x_um_atg(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (3.0*d->p[1] + d->p[2])/(d->p[0] + d->p[1] + d->p[2] + 2.0);
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->iguess[0] - (d->p[1]+d->p[2])/(d->p[1]+d->p[2]+d->p[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for g
void p2x_um_g(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ta
void p2x_um_ta(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (3*d->p[1]+2*d->p[2])/(1+2*(d->p[0]+d->p[1]+d->p[2])+d->p[3]+d->p[4]-d->p[5]);
d->iguess[1] = d->p[5]+0.5*d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = 0.5*d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[4] = d->iguess[0]-d->p[1]/(1-d->p[5]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for chl
void p2x_um_chl(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[0]/2.0 + d->p[3]/2.0;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2] + d->iguess[3];
d->iguess[0] = (5.0*(d->p[3] + d->p[4]) + d->p[5])/(5.0 + d->p[1] - d->p[2] + d->p[4] + d->p[5]);
d->iguess[5] = d->iguess[0] - d->p[4]/(d->p[1] + d->p[4] + d->p[5]);
d->iguess[4] = d->iguess[0] - (d->p[3] + d->p[5])/(1 - d->p[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for anth
void p2x_um_anth(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1];
d->iguess[0] = (2.0*(1.0-d->p[0]-d->p[1])+5.0*d->p[2]+2.0*d->p[3]+3.0*d->p[4])/(7.0-2.0*(d->p[1]));
d->iguess[2] = d->iguess[0] - d->p[2] -d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = (d->p[3] - d->p[4] - d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1])/(d->iguess[1] - 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for spi
void p2x_um_spi(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0]+d->p[1];
d->iguess[0] = d->iguess[1] - d->p[1] + d->p[2];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for opx
void p2x_um_opx(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (2*d->p[1]+d->p[2])/(2-d->p[3]-d->p[4]);
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = 2*(d->p[1]+d->p[2]-d->iguess[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for po
void p2x_um_po(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (1.0-d->p[1])/8.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
/*********************METAPELITE DATABASE (White et al., 2014)*************************/
Update dpdx matrix of liq_mp
void dpdx_mp_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[2]; dp_dx[1][2] = x[1]; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0 - x[2]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[1]; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][4] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = -1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 1.0 - x[5]; dp_dx[5][5] = -x[4]; dp_dx[5][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = x[5]; dp_dx[6][5] = x[4]; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of fsp_mp
void dpdx_mp_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of bi_mp
void dpdx_mp_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[3] + 3.0*x[1] + x[4] + x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 3.0*x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][5] = -2.0/3.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = -1.0/3.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[3] - 3.0*x[1] - x[4] - x[2]; dp_dx[2][1] = -3.0*x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][4] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][5] = 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of g_mp
void dpdx_mp_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[2] + x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[2] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ep_mp
void dpdx_mp_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 2.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ma_mp
void dpdx_mp_ma(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of mu_mp
void dpdx_mp_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of opx_mp
void dpdx_mp_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[4] + x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.5*x[5] + x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.5*x[5] + x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.5*x[4] + 0.5*x[1] - 0.5;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[3] - x[1] - x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.5*x[5] - x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][3] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.5*x[5]; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.5*x[4] + 0.5*x[1] - 0.5;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[4] + x[3] + x[2]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[5]; dp_dx[2][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = x[0]; dp_dx[2][4] = -x[5] - x[0]; dp_dx[2][5] = -x[4] - x[1] + 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of sa_mp
void dpdx_mp_sa(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -0.25;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[2] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = -0.75;
dp_dx[3][0] = x[2] + x[1]; dp_dx[3][1] = x[0]; dp_dx[3][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of cd
void dpdx_mp_cd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 - 1.0*x[1]; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.0*x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of st_mp
void dpdx_mp_st(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -4.0/3.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 4.0/3.0;
Update dpdx matrix of chl_mp
void dpdx_mp_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -x[2] + x[3] - x[4] - x[1]; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[0][2] = 1.25*x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[0][3] = 0.25*x[5] + x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -0.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6] - x[0] + 2.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.25*x[3] - 0.25*x[4] + 0.25*x[1] - 0.25; dp_dx[0][6] = 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[1] - 1.25;
dp_dx[1][0] = 2.0*x[2] + x[4] + 3.0*x[1] - 2.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.25*x[5] - 2.25*x[6] + 3.0*x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = -2.25*x[6] + 2.0*x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[1][4] = 1.25*x[5] - 2.25*x[6] + x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][5] = -1.25*x[3] + 1.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[1] + 1.25; dp_dx[1][6] = -2.25*x[2] - 2.25*x[4] - 2.25*x[1] + 2.25;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = x[2] - x[3] + x[4] + x[1]; dp_dx[3][1] = -0.25*x[5] - 1.25*x[6] + x[0]; dp_dx[3][2] = -1.25*x[6] + x[0]; dp_dx[3][3] = -0.25*x[5] - x[0]; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.25*x[5] - 1.25*x[6] + x[0]; dp_dx[3][5] = -0.25*x[3] + 0.25*x[4] - 0.25*x[1] + 0.25; dp_dx[3][6] = -1.25*x[2] - 1.25*x[4] - 1.25*x[1] + 1.25;
dp_dx[4][0] = -x[2] - x[4] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[4][2] = x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = x[2] + x[4] + x[1] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = -x[2] - 2.0*x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 1.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6] - 2.0*x[0]; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.25*x[6] - x[0]; dp_dx[5][3] = 1.25*x[5]; dp_dx[5][4] = -1.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6]; dp_dx[5][5] = 1.25*x[3] - 1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[1] - 1.25; dp_dx[5][6] = 1.25*x[2] + 1.25*x[4] + 1.25*x[1] - 1.25;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ctd_mp
void dpdx_mp_ctd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of sp_mp
void dpdx_mp_sp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 1.0 - x[0];
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = -1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ilm
void dpdx_mp_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.00;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of ilmm_mp
void dpdx_mp_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][3] = 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -1.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of mt_mp
void dpdx_mp_mt(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -2.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 3.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 3.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -3.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0;
Endmember fraction of liq_mp
void px_mp_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0];
p[1] = x[1]*x[2];
p[2] = x[1]*(1.0 - x[2]);
p[3] = x[3];
p[4] = -x[3] - x[1] - x[6] - x[4] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[5] = x[4]*(1.0 - x[5]);
p[6] = x[4]*x[5];
p[7] = x[6];
Endmember fraction of fsp_mp
void px_mp_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
Endmember fraction of bi_mp
void px_mp_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[3]*x[0] - x[3] + 3.0*x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 2.0/3.0*x[5] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[2] + 1.0;
p[1] = -1.0/3.0*x[5] + x[0];
p[2] = -x[3]*x[0] - 3.0*x[1]*x[0] + x[5] - x[4]*x[0] - x[0]*x[2];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = x[4];
p[5] = x[3];
p[6] = x[1];
Endmember fraction of g_mp
void px_mp_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[3] + x[2]*x[0] - x[2] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[2]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[2] = x[2];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[3];
Endmember fraction of ep_mp
void px_mp_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = 2.0*x[1];
p[2] = x[0] - x[1];
Endmember fraction of ma_mp
void px_mp_ma(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[4] - x[2] - x[3] + x[1];
p[1] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[3] = x[3];
p[4] = x[4];
p[5] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of mu_mp
void px_mp_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[4] - x[2] - x[3] + x[1];
p[1] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[3] = x[3];
p[4] = x[4];
p[5] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of opx_mp
void px_mp_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 0.5*x[4]*x[5] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] - x[3] + 0.5*x[1]*x[5] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 0.5*x[5] - x[0] - x[2] + 1.0;
p[1] = 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - x[3]*x[0] + 0.5*x[1]*x[5] - x[1]*x[0] - 0.5*x[5] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0];
p[2] = -x[4]*x[5] - x[4]*x[0] + x[3]*x[0] - x[1]*x[5] + x[5] + x[0]*x[2];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = x[3];
p[5] = x[1];
p[6] = x[4];
Endmember fraction of sa_mp
void px_mp_sa(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[2] - 0.25*x[3] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[1];
p[2] = -x[2]*x[0] - 0.75*x[3] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[3] = x[2]*x[0] + x[3] + x[0]*x[1];
p[4] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of cd
void px_mp_cd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[0]*x[1] - 1.0*x[0] - 1.0*x[1] - 1.0*x[2] + 1.0;
p[1] = -1.0*x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[2] = x[2];
p[3] = x[1];
Endmember fraction of st_mp
void px_mp_st(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[2] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 4.0/3.0*x[3] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[1]*x[0] + x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = 4.0/3.0*x[3];
Endmember fraction of chl_mp
void px_mp_chl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.25*x[2]*x[6] - x[2]*x[0] + 0.25*x[3]*x[5] + x[3]*x[0] - x[3] - 0.25*x[5]*x[4] + 0.25*x[5]*x[1] - 0.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6]*x[4] + 1.25*x[6]*x[1] - 1.25*x[6] - x[4]*x[0] + 2.0*x[4] - x[0]*x[1];
p[1] = -2.25*x[2]*x[6] + 2.0*x[2]*x[0] - x[2] - 1.25*x[3]*x[5] + 1.25*x[5]*x[4] - 1.25*x[5]*x[1] + 1.25*x[5] - 2.25*x[6]*x[4] - 2.25*x[6]*x[1] + 2.25*x[6] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] + 3.0*x[0]*x[1] - 2.0*x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[2] = -x[4] + x[1];
p[3] = -1.25*x[2]*x[6] + x[2]*x[0] - 0.25*x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[0] + 0.25*x[5]*x[4] - 0.25*x[5]*x[1] + 0.25*x[5] - 1.25*x[6]*x[4] - 1.25*x[6]*x[1] + 1.25*x[6] + x[4]*x[0] + x[0]*x[1];
p[4] = x[2]*x[6] - x[2]*x[0] + x[6]*x[4] + x[6]*x[1] - x[6] - x[4]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[5] = 1.25*x[2]*x[6] - x[2]*x[0] + 1.25*x[3]*x[5] - 1.25*x[5]*x[4] + 1.25*x[5]*x[1] - 1.25*x[5] + 1.25*x[6]*x[4] + 1.25*x[6]*x[1] - 1.25*x[6] - 2.0*x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[6] = x[2];
p[7] = x[3];
Endmember fraction of ctd_mp
void px_mp_ctd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[2] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[1]*x[0] + x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
p[3] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of sp_mp
void px_mp_sp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1] + (x[0] - 1.0)*(x[2] + 1.0);
p[1] = (1.0 - x[0])*(x[2] + 1.0);
p[2] = -x[1] - x[2] + 1.0;
p[3] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of ilm
void px_mp_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1];
p[1] = x[0] - 1.0*x[1];
p[2] = 1.0 - 1.0*x[0];
Endmember fraction of ilmm_mp
void px_mp_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[3];
p[1] = -x[1] + x[0] - x[2] - x[3];
p[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[2];
Endmember fraction of mt_mp
void px_mp_mt(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 3.0*x[1] - 2.0*x[0];
p[1] = -3.0*x[1] + 3.0*x[0];
p[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
Objective function of liq_mp
double obj_mp_liq(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[6];
sf[1] = x[0];
sf[2] = x[1]*x[2];
sf[3] = x[1]*(1.0 - x[2]);
sf[4] = x[3];
sf[5] = -x[3] - x[1] - x[6] - x[4] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[6] = x[4];
sf[7] = x[5];
sf[8] = 1.0 - x[5];
sf[9] = x[6];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[1])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 5.0))) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[7], 5.0))) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + gb[7] + mu_Gex[7];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of fsp_mp
double obj_mp_fsp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = 0.25*x[0] + 0.25;
sf[4] = 0.75 - 0.25*x[0];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[1]*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of bi_mp
double obj_mp_bi(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[3]*x[0] - x[3] + 3.0*x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 2./3.*x[5] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[2] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[1];
sf[2] = -x[3]*x[0] - 3.0*x[1]*x[0] + 2./3.*x[5] - x[4]*x[0] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0];
sf[3] = x[3];
sf[4] = x[4];
sf[5] = x[2];
sf[6] = -x[1] + 1./3.*x[5] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[7] = x[1];
sf[8] = -1./3.*x[5] + x[0];
sf[9] = -0.5*x[3] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[10] = 0.5*x[3] + 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[11] = 1.0 - x[4];
sf[12] = x[4];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*sf[0]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[9])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0)*sf[2]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[9])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*sf[2]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[9])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[5]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*cpow(sf[11], 2.0))) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[9]*sf[4])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[3]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*cpow(sf[11], 2.0) + d_em[5])) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[10]*cpow(sf[7], 2.0)*sf[1]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[9])) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of g_mp
double obj_mp_g(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[2]*x[0] - x[2] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[2]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = x[1];
sf[4] = 1.0 - x[3];
sf[5] = x[3];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[0], 3.0))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[1], 3.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[2], 3.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0))) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[0], 3.0)+ d_em[4])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ep_mp
double obj_mp_ep(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0] - x[1];
sf[1] = -x[0] + x[1] + 1.0;
sf[2] = x[0] + x[1];
sf[3] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[3])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[2] + d_em[1])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2] + d_em[2])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ma_mp
double obj_mp_ma(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -x[4] - x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[3];
sf[2] = x[4];
sf[3] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[4] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[5] = x[1];
sf[6] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[7] = x[2];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[4] - 0.5*x[1] + 1.0;
sf[9] = 0.5*x[4] + 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[9]*sf[0]*sf[8])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*sf[0]*sf[3]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*sf[4]*sf[0]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[9]*sf[1]*sf[8])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[5]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0)*sf[2])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[9]*sf[7]*sf[0]*sf[8] + d_em[5])) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of mu_mp
double obj_mp_mu(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -x[4] - x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[3];
sf[2] = x[4];
sf[3] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[4] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[5] = x[1];
sf[6] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[7] = x[2];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[4] - 0.5*x[1] + 1.0;
sf[9] = 0.5*x[4] + 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[9]*sf[0]*sf[8])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*sf[0]*sf[3]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*sf[4]*sf[0]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[9]*sf[1]*sf[8])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[5]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0)*sf[2])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[5]*sf[9]*sf[7]*sf[0]*sf[8] + d_em[5])) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of opx_mp
double obj_mp_opx(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -0.5*x[4]*x[5] + x[3]*x[0] - x[3] - 0.5*x[1]*x[5] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] + 0.5*x[5] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[2] + 1.0;
sf[1] = 0.5*x[4]*x[5] - x[3]*x[0] + 0.5*x[1]*x[5] - x[1]*x[0] - 0.5*x[5] - x[0]*x[2] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = x[3];
sf[4] = x[2];
sf[5] = 0.5*x[4]*x[5] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] + 0.5*x[1]*x[5] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 0.5*x[5] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -0.5*x[4]*x[5] - x[4]*x[0] - 0.5*x[1]*x[5] - x[1]*x[0] + 0.5*x[5] + x[0];
sf[7] = x[1];
sf[8] = x[4];
sf[9] = 0.5*x[3] + 0.5*x[2];
sf[10] = -0.5*x[3] - 0.5*x[2] + 1.0;
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[5]*csqrt(sf[10]))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[6]*csqrt(sf[10]))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*sf[0]*csqrt(sf[10]))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*sf[4]*cpow(sf[9], 0.25)*sf[5]*cpow(sf[10], 0.25))) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[9], 0.25)*sf[3]*sf[5]*cpow(sf[10], 0.25) + d_em[4])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[7]*csqrt(sf[10]))) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[8]*sf[0]*csqrt(sf[10]))) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of sa_mp
double obj_mp_sa(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[2]*x[0] - x[2] + 0.75*x[3] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[2]*x[0] - 0.75*x[3] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = x[1];
sf[4] = -0.25*x[3] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[5] = 0.25*x[3] + x[0];
sf[6] = -x[2] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[7] = x[2] + x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[4], 3.0)*sf[6])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[3]*sf[7]*cpow(sf[4], 3.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[5], 3.0)*sf[6])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[5], 3.0)*sf[0]*sf[6])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[7]*sf[2]*cpow(sf[4], 3.0) + d_em[4])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of cd_mp
double obj_mp_cd(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[0]*x[1] + 1.0*x[0];
sf[1] = 1.0*x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[2] = 1.0*x[1];
sf[3] = 1.0*x[2];
sf[4] = 1.0 - x[2];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0)*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 2.0)*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 2.0)*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[2], 2.0)*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of st_mp
double obj_mp_st(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[1]*x[0] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = -x[2] - 1.33333333333333*x[3] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[2];
sf[5] = x[3];
sf[6] = 1./3.*x[3];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[3], 2.0)*cpow(sf[0], 4.0))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[3], 2.0)*cpow(sf[1], 4.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[3], 2.0)*cpow(sf[2], 4.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0)*cpow(sf[0], 4.0) + d_em[3])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(3.0792*cpow(sf[0], 4.0)*cpow(sf[5], 1.5)*csqrt(sf[6]))) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of chl_mp
double obj_mp_chl(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -x[3]*x[5] + x[3]*x[0] - x[3] + x[5]*x[4] - x[5]*x[1] + x[5] - x[4]*x[0] + x[4] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[0] - x[5]*x[4] + x[5]*x[1] - x[5] + x[4]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[2] = -x[4] + x[1];
sf[3] = 0.25*x[2]*x[6] + 0.25*x[3]*x[5] + x[3]*x[0] - x[3] - 0.25*x[5]*x[4] + 0.25*x[5]*x[1] - 0.25*x[5] + 0.25*x[6]*x[4] + 0.25*x[6]*x[1] - 0.25*x[6] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[3];
sf[5] = -0.25*x[2]*x[6] - 0.25*x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[0] + 0.25*x[5]*x[4] - 0.25*x[5]*x[1] + 0.25*x[5] - 0.25*x[6]*x[4] - 0.25*x[6]*x[1] + 0.25*x[6] + x[0];
sf[6] = -x[2]*x[6] + x[2]*x[0] - x[2] - x[6]*x[4] - x[6]*x[1] + x[6] + x[4]*x[0] - x[4] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[7] = x[2]*x[6] - x[2]*x[0] + x[6]*x[4] + x[6]*x[1] - x[6] - x[4]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[8] = x[2];
sf[9] = x[4] + x[1];
sf[10] = -0.5*x[2] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[11] = 0.5*x[2] + x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[9]*sf[11]*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[10])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[6]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[9]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 4.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[9]*sf[11]*sf[1]*cpow(sf[5], 4.0)*sf[10])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[5], 4.0)*sf[7]*sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0))) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[6]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0))) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[11]*sf[8]*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 4.0)*sf[10] + d_em[6])) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[9]*sf[11]*cpow(sf[4], 5.0)*sf[10])) + gb[7] + mu_Gex[7];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ctd_mp
double obj_mp_ctd(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[1] = x[2];
sf[2] = -x[1]*x[0] + x[0];
sf[3] = x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*sf[3])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*sf[2])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*sf[4])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[1])*sf[3] + d_em[3])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of sp_mp
double obj_mp_sp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[1];
sf[1] = -x[1] - x[2] + 1.0;
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[4] = x[0];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[4]*sf[1] + d_em[2])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[4]*sf[2])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ilm
double obj_mp_ilm(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1];
sf[1] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1];
sf[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[3] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1];
sf[4] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1];
sf[5] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[5])) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of ilmm_mp
double obj_mp_ilmm(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.5*x[3];
sf[1] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] - 0.5*x[3];
sf[2] = 1.0*x[1];
sf[3] = 1.0*x[2];
sf[4] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[5] = 0.5*x[0] - 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] - 0.5*x[3];
sf[6] = 0.5*x[0] + 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2] + 0.5*x[3];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[1])*csqrt(sf[5])*csqrt(sf[6]))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[4], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[3]*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[4];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of mt_mp
double obj_mp_mt(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 0.5 - 0.5*x[0];
sf[1] = -0.5*x[1] + x[0];
sf[2] = 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[0] + 0.5;
sf[3] = x[1];
sf[4] = 1.0 - x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*sf[3]*sf[2] + d_em[0])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(6.75*cpow(sf[1], 4.0/3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0/3.0)*cpow(sf[2], 2.0/3.0)*cpow(sf[4], 1.0/3.0) + d_em[1])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[2]*sf[4]*sf[0])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
/*********************IGNEOUS DATABASE (Holland et al., 2018)**************************/
Endmember to xeos for fper_S11
void p2x_ig_fper(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (biotite)
void p2x_ig_bi(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[0] = (-3.0*d->p[1] - 1.0*d->p[2])/(d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[1] - 3.0);
d->iguess[4] = 1.5*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[2] - 1.5*d->p[0] + 1.5*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[3] + 1.5*d->iguess[0]*d->iguess[1] - 1.5*d->iguess[0] - 1.5*d->iguess[1] + 1.5;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (cordierite)
void p2x_ig_cd(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
if (d->z_em[2] == 0.0){ d->iguess[1] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (clinopyroxene)
void p2x_ig_cpx(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[8])/(d->p[1] - d->p[2] - d->p[3] - d->p[4] - 0.5*d->p[5] - d->p[6] + d->p[7] + d->p[8] - d->p[9] + 1.0);
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2] + d->p[3] + d->p[4] + d->p[5];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[1]+d->p[7]+d->p[8];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[4] = (d->p[7] + ((2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[8])/(d->p[1] - d->p[2] - d->p[3] - d->p[4] - 0.5*d->p[5] - d->p[6] + d->p[7] + d->p[8] - d->p[9] + 1.0) - 1.0)*(d->p[1] + d->p[7] + d->p[8]))/(-d->p[2] - d->p[3] - d->p[4] - 0.5*d->p[5] - d->p[6] - d->p[9] + 1.0);
d->iguess[5] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[6] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[7] = d->p[5]/2.0;
d->iguess[8] = d->p[9];
if (d->z_em[3] == 0.0){ d->iguess[6] = eps;}
if (d->z_em[4] == 0.0){ d->iguess[5] = eps;}
if (d->z_em[5] == 0.0){ d->iguess[7] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (epidote)
void p2x_ig_ep(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2] + d->p[1]/2.0;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1]/2.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (fluid)
void p2x_ig_fl(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[5] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[6] = d->p[7];
d->iguess[7] = d->p[8];
d->iguess[8] = d->p[9];
d->iguess[9] = d->p[10];
if (d->z_em[10] == 0.0){ d->iguess[9] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (garnet)
void p2x_ig_g(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[4] = 0.25*d->p[5];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->iguess[2] + d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = (d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[3] + d->p[0] + 4.0*d->iguess[4] - 1.0)/(d->iguess[1] - 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (hornblende)
void p2x_ig_amp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (-3.5*d->p[5] - 2.0*d->p[6] - 2.5*d->p[7])/(-0.5*d->p[0] + 0.5*d->p[1] + 0.5*d->p[10] + 0.5*d->p[3] - 1.5*d->p[4] - 1.5*d->p[5] - 1.5*d->p[6] - 1.5*d->p[7] + 0.5*d->p[8] - 2.0);
d->iguess[1] = (d->p[1]-d->p[0] + 1.0-d->p[3]-d->p[8]-d->p[4]-d->p[6]-d->p[5]-d->p[7] -2*d->p[8] - d->p[10] + 2*(d->p[3] + d->p[8]))/2.0;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3] + d->p[8];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[2] + d->p[9];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[9]/(d->p[2]+d->p[9]);
d->iguess[5] = 1.0-d->p[3]-d->p[8]-d->p[4]-d->p[6]-d->p[5]-d->p[7];
d->iguess[6] = d->p[8];
d->iguess[7] = d->p[10];
d->iguess[8] = (-3.5*d->p[5] - 2.0*d->p[6] - 2.5*d->p[7])/(-0.5*d->p[0] + 0.5*d->p[1] + 0.5*d->p[10] + 0.5*d->p[3] - 1.5*d->p[4] - 1.5*d->p[5] - 1.5*d->p[6] - 1.5*d->p[7] + 0.5*d->p[8] - 2.0) -d->p[5] -d->p[7];
d->iguess[9] = (d->p[5] + d->p[6] - (-3.5*d->p[5] - 2.0*d->p[6] - 2.5*d->p[7])*(0.5*d->p[0] - 0.5*d->p[1] - 0.5*d->p[10] - 0.5*d->p[3] + 0.5*d->p[4] + 0.5*d->p[5] + 0.5*d->p[6] + 0.5*d->p[7] - 0.5*d->p[8] + 0.5)/(-0.5*d->p[0] + 0.5*d->p[1] + 0.5*d->p[10] + 0.5*d->p[3] - 1.5*d->p[4] - 1.5*d->p[5] - 1.5*d->p[6] - 1.5*d->p[7] + 0.5*d->p[8] - 2.0))/(-0.5*d->p[0] + 0.5*d->p[1] + 0.5*d->p[10] + 0.5*d->p[3] - 0.5*d->p[4] - 0.5*d->p[5] - 0.5*d->p[6] - 0.5*d->p[7] + 0.5*d->p[8] - 0.5);
if (d->z_em[8] == 0){ d->iguess[6] = eps;}
if (d->z_em[10] == 0){ d->iguess[7] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (ilm)
void p2x_ig_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]+d->p[0];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (liquid)
void p2x_ig_liq(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (d->p[2]+d->p[10])/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[1] = (d->p[1]+d->p[10])/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[4] = d->p[5]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[5] = d->p[6]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[6] = d->p[7]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[7] = d->p[8]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[8] = d->p[9]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
d->iguess[9] = d->p[10];
d->iguess[10] = d->p[11]/(1.0+3./4.*d->p[10]);
if (d->z_em[11] == 0.0){ d->iguess[10] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (muscovite)
void p2x_ig_mu(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2]/(1-(d->p[0]+d->p[4]+d->p[5]+d->p[3]));
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0]+d->p[4]+d->p[5]+d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[4];
if (d->z_em[5] == 0.0){ d->iguess[2] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (olivine)
void p2x_ig_ol(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (2.0*d->p[1]+d->p[3])/(2.0-d->p[0]);
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[2] = -d->p[0] - d->p[2] + 1.0 + (d->p[0] - 1.0)*(2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[3])/(2.0 - d->p[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (orthopyroxene)
void p2x_ig_opx(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[2])/(d->p[0] + d->p[1] + d->p[2] + 0.5*d->p[6] - d->p[8] + 1.0);
d->iguess[1] = 1.0 - d->p[3] - d->p[8] - d->p[0] - d->p[1] - d->p[2];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[3] = (d->p[1] + d->p[2] + (2.0*d->p[1] + d->p[2])*(d->p[3] + d->p[8] - 1.0)/(d->p[0] + d->p[1] + d->p[2] + 0.5*d->p[6] - d->p[8] + 1.0))/(-d->p[0] - d->p[1] - d->p[2] - d->p[3] - 0.5*d->p[6]);
d->iguess[4] = d->p[7];
d->iguess[5] = d->p[6]/2.0;
d->iguess[6] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[7] = d->p[8];
if (d->z_em[5] == 0.0){ d->iguess[6] = eps;}
if (d->z_em[4] == 0.0){ d->iguess[4] = eps;}
if (d->z_em[6] == 0.0){ d->iguess[5] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (plagioclase)
void p2x_ig_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
endmembers to xeos (spinel)
void p2x_ig_spl(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = (1.0 - d->p[6] - d->p[7] - d->p[0] - d->p[1])/(d->p[7] + 1.0);
d->iguess[1] = (d->p[4] + d->p[5])/(1.0 - d->p[6] - d->p[7]);
d->iguess[2] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[7];
d->iguess[4] = 3./2.*d->p[0] - 1./2. + 3./2.*d->p[6] + d->p[7] + ((1.0 - d->p[6] - d->p[7] - d->p[0] - d->p[1])/(d->p[7] + 1.0))/2.*(1.0+d->p[7]);
d->iguess[5] = ((1.0 - d->p[6] - d->p[7] - d->p[0] - d->p[1])/(d->p[7] + 1.0))*(d->p[7] + 1.0) - 3./2.*d->p[3] - 3./2.*d->p[5];
d->iguess[6] = -3./2.*d->p[4] + ((d->p[4] + d->p[5])/(1.0 - d->p[6] - d->p[7]))*(1./2. -1./2.*d->p[6] - 1./2.*d->p[7]);
// if (d->z_em[6] == 0.0){ d->iguess[2] = eps;}
// if (d->z_em[7] == 0.0){ d->iguess[3] = eps;}
// if (d->z_em[4] == 0.0){ d->iguess[6] = eps;}
// if (d->z_em[5] == 0.0){ d->iguess[6] = eps;}
// if (d->z_em[4] == 0.0){ d->iguess[1] = eps;}
// if (d->z_em[5] == 0.0){ d->iguess[1] = eps;}
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for bi_mp
void p2x_mp_bi(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[5] = 3.0*(-d->iguess[3]*d->p[1] + d->iguess[3] - 3.0*d->iguess[1]*d->p[1] + d->iguess[1] + d->p[0] - d->p[1]*d->iguess[4] - d->p[1]*d->iguess[2] + d->p[1] + d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2] - 1.0)/(d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2] - 3.0);
d->iguess[0] = (-d->p[2] + d->iguess[5])/(d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for cd_mp
void p2x_mp_cd(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]/(1.0 - d->p[3]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for chl_mp
void p2x_mp_chl(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[7];
d->iguess[4] = (d->iguess[3] + 1.0 - d->iguess[2] -(d->p[1] - d->p[3]+d->p[5]-d->p[0] + d->p[2]+d->p[4]))/4.0;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2] + d->iguess[4];
d->iguess[0] = (-2.0*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[3] + d->p[0] - 4.0*d->p[3] - 5.0*d->p[4] - d->p[5])/(d->iguess[2] + 5.0*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*d->iguess[1] - 6.0);
d->iguess[6] = (-2.0*pow(d->iguess[4],2.0) - 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[4]*d->p[0] - 4.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[3] - 5.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[4] - d->iguess[4]*d->p[5] - 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + 2.0*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2]*d->p[0] - 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[3] - 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[4] - d->iguess[2]*d->p[5] + 5.0*d->iguess[3]*d->p[4] + d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - d->iguess[3] + d->p[0]*d->iguess[1] - d->p[0] - 4.0*d->p[3]*d->iguess[1] + 4.0*d->p[3] - 3.0*d->p[4]*d->iguess[1] - d->p[4] - d->p[5]*d->iguess[1] + d->p[5])/(d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] + 5.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] - 6.0*d->iguess[4] + pow(d->iguess[2],2.0) + 5.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] - 7.0*d->iguess[2] + 5.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - 5.0*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*pow(d->iguess[1],2.0) - 8.0*d->iguess[1] + 6.0);
d->iguess[5] = (10.0*pow(d->iguess[4],2.0) - 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] - 25.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] - 5.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[0] + 20.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[3] + 25.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[4] + 5.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[5] - 14.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + 22.0*d->iguess[4] - 4.0*pow(d->iguess[2],2.0) - 21.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] - d->iguess[2]*d->p[0] - 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[1] + 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[3] - 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[4] + d->iguess[2]*d->p[5] - 12.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] + 28.0*d->iguess[2] - 20.0*d->iguess[3]*d->p[1] - 45.0*d->iguess[3]*d->p[4] - 17.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] + 21.0*d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->p[0]*d->iguess[1] + d->p[0] - 8.0*d->p[1]*d->iguess[1] + 24.0*d->p[1] - 12.0*d->p[3]*d->iguess[1] - 4.0*d->p[3] - 33.0*d->p[4]*d->iguess[1] + 49.0*d->p[4] - 3.0*d->p[5]*d->iguess[1] - d->p[5] - 8.0*pow(d->iguess[1],2.0) + 32.0*d->iguess[1] - 24.0)/(5.0*(-d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] - 5.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] - 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + 6.0*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] - d->iguess[2] + 5.0*pow(d->iguess[3],2.0) + 7.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - 11.0*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*pow(d->iguess[1],2.0) - 8.0*d->iguess[1] + 6.0));
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ctd_mp
void p2x_mp_ctd(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]/(1.0 - d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ep_mp
void p2x_mp_ep(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1]/2.0;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2] + d->iguess[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for g_mp
void p2x_mp_g(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]/(1.0 - d->iguess[2] - d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ilm
void p2x_mp_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1] + d->iguess[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ilmm_mp
void p2x_mp_ilmm(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[0] = 1.0 - d->p[2];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for liq_mp
void p2x_mp_liq(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = d->p[0];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[6] = d->p[7];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1] + d->p[2];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[1]/d->iguess[1];
d->iguess[4] = 1.0 - d->iguess[0] - d->iguess[1] - d->iguess[3] - d->iguess[6] - d->p[4];
d->iguess[5] = d->p[6]/d->iguess[4];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for ma_mp
void p2x_mp_ma(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0] + d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2]/(1.0-d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for mt_mp
void p2x_mp_mt(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[0] = 1.0 - d->p[2];
d->iguess[1] = (3.0*d->iguess[0] - d->p[1])/3.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for mu_mp
void p2x_mp_mu(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[4] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[0] + d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[3] + d->iguess[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[2]/(1.0-d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for opx_mp
void p2x_mp_opx(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[4] = d->p[6];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[5];
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[0] = (-2.0*d->p[1] - d->p[2])/(d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[3] + 2.0*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[2] - 2.0);
d->iguess[5] = 2.0*(pow(d->iguess[4], 2) + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[4]*d->p[0] + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->p[1] + d->iguess[4]*d->p[2] + 2.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] - 3.0*d->iguess[4] + pow(d->iguess[3], 2) + 3.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[3]*d->p[0] + 2.0*d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[2] - 3.0*d->iguess[3] + 2.0*pow(d->iguess[1], 2) + 2.0*d->iguess[1]*d->p[0] + 2.0*d->iguess[1]*d->p[1] + d->iguess[1]*d->p[2] + 3.0*d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[2] - 4.0*d->iguess[1] + d->p[0]*d->iguess[2] - 2.0*d->p[0] - 2.0*d->p[1] - d->p[2] + pow(d->iguess[2], 2) - 3.0*d->iguess[2] + 2.0)/(pow(d->iguess[4], 2) + d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[3] + 3.0*d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[1] + d->iguess[4]*d->iguess[2] - 3.0*d->iguess[4] + d->iguess[3]*d->iguess[1] - d->iguess[3] + 2.0*pow(d->iguess[1], 2) + d->iguess[1]*d->iguess[2] - 4.0*d->iguess[1] - d->iguess[2] + 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for fsp_mp
void p2x_mp_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for sa_mp
void p2x_mp_sa(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[4];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[1];
d->iguess[0] = (4.0*d->iguess[2] + 4.0*d->p[0] + d->p[3] + 4.0*d->iguess[1] - 4.0)/(d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[1] - 4.0);
d->iguess[3] = 4.0/3.0*(-4.0*pow(d->iguess[2], 2) - 4.0*d->iguess[2]*d->p[0] - d->iguess[2]*d->p[2] - d->iguess[2]*d->p[3] - 8.0*d->iguess[2]*d->iguess[1] + 8.0*d->iguess[2] - 4.0*d->p[0]*d->iguess[1] + 4.0*d->p[0] - d->p[2]*d->iguess[1] + 4.0*d->p[2] - d->p[3]*d->iguess[1] + d->p[3] - 4.0*pow(d->iguess[1], 2) + 8.0*d->iguess[1] - 4.0)/(d->iguess[2] + d->iguess[1] - 4.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for sp_mp
void p2x_mp_sp(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = 1.0 - d->p[2] - d->iguess[2];
d->iguess[0] = (-d->p[1] + d->iguess[2] + 1.0)/(d->iguess[2] + 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for st_mp
void p2x_mp_st(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
d->iguess[3] = d->p[4]/(4.0/3.0);
d->iguess[2] = d->p[3];
d->iguess[1] = d->p[2];
d->iguess[0] = d->p[1]/(1.0 - d->iguess[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Endmember to xeos for mt_mp
void p2x_aq17(void *SS_ref_db, double eps){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->iguess[i] = d->p[i];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_xeos; i++){
if (d->iguess[i] < d->bounds[i][0]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][0];
if (d->iguess[i] > d->bounds[i][1]){
d->iguess[i] = d->bounds[i][1];
Update dpdx matrix of fper_S11
void dpdx_ig_fper(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (biotite)
void dpdx_ig_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[2] + x[3] + x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -2.0/3.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = -1.0/3.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[2] - x[3] - x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][4] = 1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
update dpdpx matrix (cordierite)
void dpdx_ig_cd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.;
update dpdpx matrix (clinopyroxene)
void dpdx_ig_cpx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][8] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[8] - x[3] + x[7] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[4] - x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -x[4] - x[0]; dp_dx[1][4] = -x[8] - x[3] + x[7] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][7] = x[4] + x[0]; dp_dx[1][8] = -x[4] - x[0];
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][6] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][7] = -2.0; dp_dx[2][8] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][8] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][8] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][7] = 2.0; dp_dx[5][8] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][8] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = -x[2]; dp_dx[7][1] = -x[4]; dp_dx[7][2] = 1.0 - x[0]; dp_dx[7][3] = -x[4]; dp_dx[7][4] = -x[8] - x[3] + x[7] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][7] = x[4]; dp_dx[7][8] = -x[4];
dp_dx[8][0] = x[8] + x[3] + x[2] - x[7] + x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 2.0*x[4] + x[0]; dp_dx[8][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[8][3] = 2.0*x[4] + x[0]; dp_dx[8][4] = 2.0*x[8] + 2.0*x[3] - 2.0*x[7] + 2.0*x[1] - 2.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][7] = -2.0*x[4] - x[0]; dp_dx[8][8] = 2.0*x[4] + x[0];
dp_dx[9][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][8] = 1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (epidote)
void dpdx_ig_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 2.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = -1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (fluid)
void dpdx_ig_fl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][5] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][6] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][7] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][8] = -1.00; dp_dx[0][9] = -1.00;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.00; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.00; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.00; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.00; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 1.00; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 1.00; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 1.00; dp_dx[7][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][7] = 1.00; dp_dx[8][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[9][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][8] = 1.00; dp_dx[9][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[10][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][9] = 1.00;
update dpdpx matrix (garnet)
void dpdx_ig_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -4.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 4.0;
update dpdpx matrix (hornblende)
void dpdx_ig_amp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -0.50; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][6] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][7] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -0.50; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 1.0 - x[4]; dp_dx[2][4] = -x[3]; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = -1.0; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = x[5] + x[2] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][1] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[4][6] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][7] = x[9]; dp_dx[4][8] = -1.5; dp_dx[4][9] = x[6] + x[7] + x[1] - 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = x[5] - x[6] - x[7] - x[1] + x[2] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 2.0*x[9] - x[0]; dp_dx[5][2] = x[0]; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = x[0]; dp_dx[5][6] = 2.0*x[9] - x[0]; dp_dx[5][7] = 2.0*x[9] - x[0]; dp_dx[5][8] = -2.5; dp_dx[5][9] = 2.0*x[6] + 2.0*x[7] + 2.0*x[1] - 2.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = -x[5] - x[2]; dp_dx[6][1] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = -x[0]; dp_dx[6][6] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][7] = -x[9]; dp_dx[6][8] = 2.5; dp_dx[6][9] = -x[6] - x[7] - x[1] + 1.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = -x[5] + x[6] + x[7] + x[1] - x[2]; dp_dx[7][1] = -2.0*x[9] + x[0]; dp_dx[7][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = -x[0]; dp_dx[7][6] = -2.0*x[9] + x[0]; dp_dx[7][7] = -2.0*x[9] + x[0]; dp_dx[7][8] = 1.5; dp_dx[7][9] = -2.0*x[6] - 2.0*x[7] - 2.0*x[1] + 2.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 1.0; dp_dx[8][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[9][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][3] = x[4]; dp_dx[9][4] = x[3]; dp_dx[9][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][9] = 0.0;
dp_dx[10][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][7] = 1.0; dp_dx[10][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][9] = 0.0;
update dpdpx matrix (ilm)
void dpdx_ig_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -1.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0;
Update dpdx matrix of liqHw
void dpdx_ig_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][5] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][6] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][7] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][8] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][9] = -0.75*x[6] - 0.75*x[3] - 0.75*x[2] - 0.75*x[10] - 0.75*x[5] - 0.75*x[4] - 0.75*x[8] - 0.75*x[1] - 0.75*x[7] - 0.75*x[0] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][10] = -0.75*x[9] - 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][9] = 0.75*x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][9] = 0.75*x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[2][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][9] = 0.75*x[2]; dp_dx[3][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][9] = 0.75*x[3]; dp_dx[4][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][9] = 0.75*x[4]; dp_dx[5][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][9] = 0.75*x[5]; dp_dx[6][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[7][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][9] = 0.75*x[6]; dp_dx[7][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][7] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[8][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][9] = 0.75*x[7]; dp_dx[8][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[9][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[9][8] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0; dp_dx[9][9] = 0.75*x[8]; dp_dx[9][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[10][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[10][9] = 1.0; dp_dx[10][10] = 0.0;
dp_dx[11][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][7] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][8] = 0.0; dp_dx[11][9] = 0.75*x[10]; dp_dx[11][10] = 0.75*x[9] + 1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (muscovite)
void dpdx_ig_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 1.0 - x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = 1.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0;
update dpdpx matrix (olivine)
void dpdx_ig_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = -1.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = x[1] - 1.0; dp_dx[2][1] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[2][2] = -1.0;
dp_dx[3][0] = -x[1]; dp_dx[3][1] = -x[0]; dp_dx[3][2] = 2.0;
update dpdpx matrix (orthopyroxene)
void dpdx_ig_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = x[2] + x[7] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -x[3] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][2] = x[0] - 1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -x[7] + x[5] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[0][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][5] = x[3]; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][7] = -x[3] + x[0] - 1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -x[7] + x[5] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = -x[3] - x[0]; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -x[7] + x[5] - x[1] + 1.0; dp_dx[1][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][5] = x[3] + x[0]; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][7] = -x[3] - x[0];
dp_dx[2][0] = -x[2] - x[5] + x[1]; dp_dx[2][1] = 2.0*x[3] + x[0]; dp_dx[2][2] = -x[0]; dp_dx[2][3] = 2.0*x[7] - 2.0*x[5] + 2.0*x[1] - 2.0; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = -2.0*x[3] - x[0]; dp_dx[2][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][7] = 2.0*x[3];
dp_dx[3][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[3][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][7] = 0.0;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = 1.0; dp_dx[4][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][4] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][5] = -2.0; dp_dx[4][6] = -1.0; dp_dx[4][7] = 0.0;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 1.0; dp_dx[5][7] = 0.0;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 2.0; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][7] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 1.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][7] = 0.0;
dp_dx[8][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][6] = 0.0; dp_dx[8][7] = 1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (plagioclase)
void dpdx_ig_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][1] = -1.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = 1.0; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][1] = 1.0;
update dpdpx matrix (spinel)
void dpdx_ig_spl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
dp_dx[0][0] = -x[3]/3. - 1./3.; dp_dx[0][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][2] = -1.0; dp_dx[0][3] = -x[0]/3. - 2./3.; dp_dx[0][4] = 2./3.; dp_dx[0][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[0][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[1][0] = -2.*x[3]/3. - 2./3.; dp_dx[1][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][3] = -2.*x[0]/3. - 1./3.; dp_dx[1][4] = -2./3.; dp_dx[1][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[1][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[2][0] = x[3]/3. + 1./3.; dp_dx[2][1] = x[2]/3. + x[3]/3. - 1./3.; dp_dx[2][2] = x[1]/3.; dp_dx[2][3] = x[0]/3. + x[1]/3.; dp_dx[2][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[2][5] = 2./3.; dp_dx[2][6] = 2./3.;
dp_dx[3][0] = 2.*x[3]/3. + 2./3.; dp_dx[3][1] = 2.*x[2]/3. + 2.*x[3]/3. - 2./3.; dp_dx[3][2] = 2.*x[1]/3.; dp_dx[3][3] = 2.*x[0]/3. + 2.*x[1]/3.; dp_dx[3][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[3][5] = -2./3.; dp_dx[3][6] = -2./3.;
dp_dx[4][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][1] = -x[2]/3. - x[3]/3. + 1./3.; dp_dx[4][2] = -x[1]/3.; dp_dx[4][3] = -x[1]/3.; dp_dx[4][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[4][6] = -2./3.;
dp_dx[5][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][1] = -2.*x[2]/3. - 2.*x[3]/3. + 2./3.; dp_dx[5][2] = -2.*x[1]/3.; dp_dx[5][3] = -2.*x[1]/3.; dp_dx[5][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[5][6] = 2./3.;
dp_dx[6][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][2] = 1.0; dp_dx[6][3] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[6][6] = 0.0;
dp_dx[7][0] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][1] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][2] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][3] = 1.0; dp_dx[7][4] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][5] = 0.0; dp_dx[7][6] = 0.0;
Endmember fraction of fper_S11
void px_ig_fper(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 1.0 - 1.0*x[0];
p[1] = x[0];
update dpdpx matrix (biotite)
void px_ig_bi(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -2.*x[4]/3.0 + x[2]*x[0] - x[2] + x[3]*x[0] - x[3] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = -x[4]/3.0 + x[0];
p[2] = x[4] - x[2]*x[0] - x[3]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1];
p[3] = x[1];
p[4] = x[3];
p[5] = x[2];
update px matrix (cordierite)
void px_ig_cd(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
update px matrix (clinopyroxene)
void px_ig_cpx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[8] - x[3] - x[2] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = - x[4]*x[8] - x[4]*x[3] + x[4]*x[7] - x[4]*x[1] + x[4] - x[8]*x[0] - x[3]*x[0] + x[7]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[2] = - x[6] - x[5] - 2.0*x[7] + x[1];
p[3] = x[6];
p[4] = x[5];
p[5] = 2.0*x[7];
p[6] = x[3];
p[7] = - x[4]*x[8] - x[4]*x[3] + x[4]*x[7] - x[4]*x[1] + x[4] - x[2]*x[0] + x[2];
p[8] = 2.0*x[4]*x[8] + 2.0*x[4]*x[3] - 2.0*x[4]*x[7] + 2.0*x[4]*x[1] - 2.0*x[4] + x[8]*x[0] + x[3]*x[0] + x[2]*x[0] - x[7]*x[0] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0];
p[9] = x[8];
update px matrix (epidote)
void px_ig_ep(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[1] = 2.0*x[1];
p[2] = - x[1] + x[0];
update px matrix (fluid)
void px_ig_fl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - x[3] - x[4] - x[5] - x[6] - x[7] - x[8] - x[9] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[1];
p[2] = x[0];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = x[3];
p[5] = x[4];
p[6] = x[5];
p[7] = x[6];
p[8] = x[7];
p[9] = x[8];
p[10] = x[9];
update px matrix (garnet)
void px_ig_g(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[3] - 4.0*x[4] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[1] = - x[1]*x[0] + x[0];
p[2] = x[1] - x[2];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = x[3];
p[5] = 4.0*x[4];
update px matrix (hornblende)
void px_ig_amp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = -0.5*x[3] + x[5] - x[6] - x[7] - x[1] + x[2];
p[1] = -0.5*x[3] + x[6] + x[1] - x[2];
p[2] = - x[3]*x[4] + x[3];
p[3] = - x[6] + x[2];
p[4] = -1.5*x[8] + x[9]*x[6] + x[9]*x[7] + x[9]*x[1] - x[9] + x[5]*x[0] - x[5] + x[0]*x[2] - x[0] - x[2] + 1.0;
p[5] = -2.5*x[8] + 2.0*x[9]*x[6] + 2.0*x[9]*x[7] + 2.0*x[9]*x[1] - 2.0*x[9] + x[5]*x[0] - x[6]*x[0] - x[7]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0];
p[6] = 2.5*x[8] - x[9]*x[6] - x[9]*x[7] - x[9]*x[1] + x[9] - x[5]*x[0] - x[0]*x[2];
p[7] = 1.5*x[8] - 2.0*x[9]*x[6] - 2.0*x[9]*x[7] - 2.0*x[9]*x[1] + 2.0*x[9] - x[5]*x[0] + x[6]*x[0] + x[7]*x[0] + x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2];
p[8] = x[6];
p[9] = x[3]*x[4];
p[10] = x[7];
update px matrix (ilm)
void px_ig_ilm(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1];
p[1] = x[0] - x[1];
p[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
Endmember fraction of liqHw
void px_ig_liq(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[6] - x[3] - x[2] - x[10] - x[5] - x[4] - x[8] - x[1] - x[7] - x[0] + 0.25*x[9]*(-3.0*x[6] - 3.0*x[3] - 3.0*x[2] - 3.0*x[10] - 3.0*x[5] - 3.0*x[4] - 3.0*x[8] - 3.0*x[1] - 3.0*x[7] - 3.0*x[0] + 4.0) + 1.0;
p[1] = 0.75*x[1]*x[9] + x[1] - x[9];
p[2] = 0.75*x[0]*x[9] + x[0] - x[9];
p[3] = 0.75*x[2]*x[9] + x[2];
p[4] = 0.75*x[3]*x[9] + x[3];
p[5] = 0.75*x[4]*x[9] + x[4];
p[6] = 0.75*x[5]*x[9] + x[5];
p[7] = 0.75*x[6]*x[9] + x[6];
p[8] = 0.75*x[7]*x[9] + x[7];
p[9] = 0.75*x[8]*x[9] + x[8];
p[10] = x[9];
p[11] = 0.75*x[10]*x[9] + x[10];
update px matrix (muscovite)
void px_ig_mu(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[4] - x[2] - x[3] + x[1];
p[1] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[2] = - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[3] = x[3];
p[4] = x[4];
p[5] = x[2];
update px matrix (olivine)
void px_ig_ol(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = x[1];
p[1] = - x[2] + x[0];
p[2] = - x[2] + x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[0] + 1.0;
p[3] = 2.0*x[2] - x[1]*x[0];
update px matrix (orthopyroxene)
void px_ig_opx(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[3]*x[7] + x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[1] + x[3] + x[2]*x[0] - x[2] + x[7]*x[0] - x[7] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = - x[3]*x[7] + x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[1] + x[3] - x[7]*x[0] + x[5]*x[0] - x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
p[2] = 2.0*x[3]*x[7] - 2.0*x[3]*x[5] + 2.0*x[3]*x[1] - 2.0*x[3] - x[2]*x[0] - x[5]*x[0] + x[0]*x[1];
p[3] = x[2];
p[4] = - x[6] - x[4] - 2.0*x[5] + x[1];
p[5] = x[6];
p[6] = 2.0*x[5];
p[7] = x[4];
p[8] = x[7];
update px matrix (plagioclase 4T)
void px_ig_fsp(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
p[1] = x[0];
p[2] = x[1];
update px matrix (spinel)
void px_ig_spl(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
p[0] = 2.*x[4]/3. - x[2] - x[3]*x[0]/3. - 2.*x[3]/3. - x[0]/3. + 1./3.;
p[1] = -2.*x[4]/3. - 2.*x[3]*x[0]/3. - x[3]/3. - 2.*x[0]/3. + 2./3.;
p[2] = 2.*x[5]/3. + 2.*x[6]/3. + x[2]*x[1]/3. + x[3]*x[0]/3. + x[3]*x[1]/3. + x[0]/3. - x[1]/3.;
p[3] = -2.*x[5]/3. - 2.*x[6]/3. + 2.*x[2]*x[1]/3. + 2.*x[3]*x[0]/3. + 2.*x[3]*x[1]/3. + 2.*x[0]/3. - 2.*x[1]/3.;
p[4] = -2.*x[6]/3. - x[2]*x[1]/3. - x[3]*x[1]/3. + x[1]/3.;
p[5] = 2.*x[6]/3. - 2.*x[2]*x[1]/3. - 2.*x[3]*x[1]/3. + 2.*x[1]/3.;
p[6] = x[2];
p[7] = x[3];
Objective function of fper_S11
double obj_ig_fper(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0*x[0];
sf[1] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0])) + mu_Gex[1];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of biotite
double obj_ig_bi(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[3] - x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - x[3] - 2.0/3.0*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[3] + x[0] + 2.0/3.0*x[4];
sf[2] = x[2];
sf[3] = x[3];
sf[4] = x[1];
sf[5] = -x[0] + 1.0/3.0*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[6] = x[0] - 1.0/3.0*x[4];
sf[7] = -0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[8] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2] + 0.5;
sf[9] = 1.0 - x[3];
sf[10] = x[3];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*cpow(sf[6], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[4]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(4.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[3]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*sf[7]*sf[8] + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*cpow(sf[5], 2.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0) + d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of cordierite
double obj_ig_cd(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = x[0];
sf[1] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = 1.0 - x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog( pow(sf[1], 2.0)*sf[3])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog( pow(sf[0], 2.0)*sf[3])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog( pow(sf[1], 2.0)*sf[2])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of clinopyroxene
double obj_ig_cpx(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[3] - x[0]*x[7] + x[0]*x[8] - x[0] + x[1]*x[4] - x[1] + x[3]*x[4] - x[3] - x[4]*x[7] + x[4]*x[8] - x[4] + x[7] - x[8] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[3] + x[0]*x[7] - x[0]*x[8] + x[0] - x[1]*x[4] - x[3]*x[4] + x[4]*x[7] - x[4]*x[8] + x[4];
sf[2] = x[1] + x[3] - x[5] - x[6] - 2.0*x[7] + x[8];
sf[3] = x[5];
sf[4] = x[6];
sf[5] = x[7];
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[2] - x[1]*x[4] + x[2] - x[3]*x[4] + x[4]*x[7] - x[4]*x[8] + x[4];
sf[7] = x[0]*x[2] + x[1]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4] - x[4]*x[7] + x[4]*x[8] - x[4];
sf[8] = -x[2] - x[3] - x[8] + 1.0;
sf[9] = x[3];
sf[10] = x[8];
sf[11] = 1.0 - 0.5*x[1];
sf[12] = 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[11])*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[11])*sf[1]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*cpow(sf[12], 0.25)*sf[2]*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*cpow(sf[12], 0.25)*sf[4]*sf[8] + d_em[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*cpow(sf[12], 0.25)*sf[3]*sf[8] + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(2.8284*csqrt(sf[0])*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*cpow(sf[12], 0.25)*csqrt(sf[5])*sf[8] + d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[11])*sf[2]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[11])*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[11])*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[8];
mu[9] = gb[9] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[10]*csqrt(sf[11])*sf[2])) + mu_Gex[9];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of epidote
double obj_ig_ep(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0] - x[1];
sf[1] = -x[0] + x[1] + 1.0;
sf[2] = x[0] + x[1];
sf[3] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[2] + d_em[1])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2] + d_em[2])) + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of fluid
double obj_ig_fl(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = -x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - x[3] - x[4] - x[5] - x[6] - x[7] - x[8] - x[9] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[1];
sf[2] = x[0];
sf[3] = x[2];
sf[4] = x[3];
sf[5] = x[4];
sf[6] = x[5];
sf[7] = x[6];
sf[8] = x[7];
sf[9] = x[8];
sf[10] = x[9];
sf[11] = 1.0 - x[9];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[11])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[1])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[2])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[6]+d_em[6])) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[7]+d_em[7])) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[8]+d_em[8])) + mu_Gex[8];
mu[9] = gb[9] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[11]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[9];
mu[10] = gb[10] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[10], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[10];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of garnet
double obj_ig_g(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = -x[2] - x[3] - 2.0*x[4] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[3];
sf[5] = x[2];
sf[6] = x[4];
sf[7] = x[4];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[1], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[3], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[2], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0) + d_em[3])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[0], 3.0)*cpow(sf[4], 2.0) + d_em[4])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(8.0*cpow(sf[0], 3.0)*sf[3]*csqrt(sf[6])*csqrt(sf[7]) + d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of hornblende
double obj_ig_amp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = 1.0 - x[3];
sf[1] = -x[3]*x[4] + x[3];
sf[2] = x[3]*x[4];
sf[3] = -x[0] + x[8] + 1.0;
sf[4] = x[0] - x[8];
sf[5] = x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[6] + x[0]*x[7] - x[0] - x[1]*x[9] - x[1] - x[6]*x[9] - x[6] - x[7]*x[9] - x[7] + x[9] + 1.0;
sf[6] = -x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[6] - x[0]*x[7] + x[0] + x[1]*x[9] + x[6]*x[9] + x[7]*x[9] - x[9];
sf[7] = x[1];
sf[8] = x[6];
sf[9] = x[7];
sf[10] = x[5];
sf[11] = x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[5] - x[0] + x[1]*x[9] - x[2] - x[5] + x[6]*x[9] + x[7]*x[9] - 1.5*x[8] - x[9] + 1.0;
sf[12] = -x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[5] + x[0] - x[1]*x[9] - x[6]*x[9] - x[7]*x[9] + 1.5*x[8] + x[9];
sf[13] = x[2];
sf[14] = -0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2] - 0.25*x[3] - 0.5*x[6] - 0.5*x[7] + 1.0;
sf[15] = 0.5*x[1] - 0.5*x[2] + 0.25*x[3] + 0.5*x[6] + 0.5*x[7];
sf[16] = 1.0 - x[7];
sf[17] = x[7];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(8.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*sf[1]*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*sf[5]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[13], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[7], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[11], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[4], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[6], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[12], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[4], 3.0)*cpow(sf[5], 2.0))) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*cpow(sf[13], 2.0)*sf[14]*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[8], 2.0) + d_em[8])) + mu_Gex[8];
mu[9] = gb[9] + R*T*creal(clog(8.0*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[16], 2.0)*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*sf[5]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[9];
mu[10] = gb[10] + R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[0]*cpow(sf[10], 2.0)*csqrt(sf[14])*csqrt(sf[15])*cpow(sf[17], 2.0)*cpow(sf[3], 3.0)*cpow(sf[9], 2.0) + d_em[10])) + mu_Gex[10];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of ilmenite
double obj_ig_ilm(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[0];
sf[1] = -0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[0];
sf[2] = 1.0 - x[0];
sf[3] = -0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[0];
sf[4] = 0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[0];
sf[5] = 1.0 - x[0];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[0])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*cpow(sf[0], 0.25)*cpow(sf[1], 0.25)*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.25))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[2])*csqrt(sf[5]) + d_em[2])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
Objective function of liqHw
double obj_ig_liq(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = - x[6] - x[3] - x[2] - x[10] - x[5] - x[4] - x[8] - x[1] - x[7] - x[0] + 0.25*x[9]*(-3.0*x[6] - 3.0*x[3] - 3.0*x[2] - 3.0*x[10] - 3.0*x[5] - 3.0*x[4] - 3.0*x[8] - 3.0*x[1] - 3.0*x[7] - 3.0*x[0] + 4.0) + 1.0;
sf[1] = 0.75*x[1]*x[9] + x[1] - x[9];
sf[2] = 0.75*x[0]*x[9] + x[0] - x[9];
sf[3] = 0.75*x[4]*x[9] + x[4];
sf[4] = 0.75*x[5]*x[9] + x[5];
sf[5] = 0.75*x[6]*x[9] + x[6];
sf[6] = 0.75*x[7]*x[9] + x[7];
sf[7] = 0.75*x[8]*x[9] + x[8];
sf[8] = x[9];
sf[9] = x[3] + x[2] + 0.75*x[9]*(x[3] + x[2]);
sf[10] = -0.75*x[10]*x[9] - x[10] + 1.0;
sf[11] = 4.0*x[2]*(0.75*x[9] + 1.0);
sf[12] = 4.0*x[3]*(0.75*x[9] + 1.0);
sf[13] = x[0]*(0.75*x[9] + 1.0) - x[9];
sf[14] = x[1]*(0.75*x[9] + 1.0) - x[9];
sf[15] = -2.0*x[9] + (0.75*x[9] + 1.0)*(4.0*x[3] + 4.0*x[2] + x[1] + x[0]);
sf[16] = x[10]*(0.75*x[9] + 1.0);
sf[17] = -0.75*x[10]*x[9] - x[10] + 1.0;
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[14]*sf[1]*1.0/sf[15]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[13]*sf[2]*1.0/sf[15]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[11], 4.0)*sf[9]*cpow(sf[15], -4.0)*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[12], 4.0)*sf[9]*cpow(sf[15], -4.0)*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[3]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[4]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0) + d_em[6])) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[5]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0) + d_em[7])) + gb[7] + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[6]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0) + d_em[8])) + gb[8] + mu_Gex[8];
mu[9] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[7]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[9] + mu_Gex[9];
mu[10] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[8]*1.0/sf[10]*cpow(sf[17], 2.0))) + gb[10] + mu_Gex[10];
mu[11] = R*T*creal(clog(cpow(sf[16], 2.0) + d_em[11])) + gb[11] + mu_Gex[11];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of muscovite
double obj_ig_mu(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[4] - x[3] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[3];
sf[2] = x[4];
sf[3] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[4] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0];
sf[5] = x[1];
sf[6] = 1.0 - x[2];
sf[7] = x[2];
sf[8] = -0.5*x[4] - 0.5*x[1] + 1.0;
sf[9] = 0.5*x[4] + 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[8]*sf[9])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[8], 2.0))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[1]*sf[5]*sf[6]*sf[8]*sf[9])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[2]*sf[5]*sf[6]*cpow(sf[9], 2.0))) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(4.0*sf[0]*sf[5]*sf[7]*sf[8]*sf[9])) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of olivine
double obj_ig_ol(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = x[2] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[2] + x[0];
sf[2] = x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - x[2] - x[0] + 1.0;
sf[3] = -x[1]*x[0] + x[2] + x[0];
sf[4] = x[1];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[4])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[3])) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[2])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[3])) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of orthopyroxene
double obj_ig_opx(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi = d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
double tmp = 0.0;
double Gex = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
Gex = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
tmp = (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j]);
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
Gex -= tmp*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
mu_Gex[i] = Gex;
sf[0] = x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[5] + x[0]*x[7] - x[0] + x[1]*x[3] - x[1] - x[3]*x[5] + x[3]*x[7] - x[3] + x[5] - x[7] + 1.0;
sf[1] = -x[0]*x[1] + x[0]*x[5] - x[0]*x[7] + x[0] - x[1]*x[3] + x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[7] + x[3];
sf[2] = x[1] - x[4] - 2.0*x[5] - x[6] + x[7];
sf[3] = x[4];
sf[4] = x[6];
sf[5] = x[5];
sf[6] = x[0]*x[2] + x[0]*x[7] - x[0] - x[1]*x[3] - x[2] + x[3]*x[5] - x[3]*x[7] + x[3] - x[7] + 1.0;
sf[7] = -x[0]*x[2] - x[0]*x[7] + x[0] + x[1]*x[3] - x[3]*x[5] + x[3]*x[7] - x[3];
sf[8] = x[2];
sf[9] = x[7];
sf[10] = 1.0 - 0.5*x[1];
sf[11] = 0.5*x[1];
mu[0] = gb[0] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[10])*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = gb[1] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[10])*sf[1]*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = gb[2] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[10])*sf[7])) + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = gb[3] + R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*csqrt(sf[10])*sf[8])) + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = gb[4] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*sf[2]*sf[6])) + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = gb[5] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*sf[4]*sf[6] + d_em[5])) + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = gb[6] + R*T*creal(clog(2.8284*csqrt(sf[0])*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*csqrt(sf[5])*sf[6] + d_em[6])) + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = gb[7] + R*T*creal(clog(1.4142*cpow(sf[10], 0.25)*cpow(sf[11], 0.25)*sf[3]*sf[6] + d_em[7])) + mu_Gex[7];
mu[8] = gb[8] + R*T*creal(clog(csqrt(sf[10])*sf[2]*sf[9])) + mu_Gex[8];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of plagioclase 4T
double obj_ig_fsp(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
d->sum_v = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->sum_v += d->p[i]*d->v[i];
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->mat_phi[i] = (d->p[i]*d->v[i])/d->sum_v;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->mat_phi[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->mat_phi[k])*(d->W[it]*2.0*d->v[i]/(d->v[j]+d->v[k]));
it += 1;
sf[0] = -x[0] - x[1] + 1.0;
sf[1] = x[0];
sf[2] = x[1];
sf[3] = 0.25*x[0] + 0.25;
sf[4] = 0.75 - 0.25*x[0];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[0]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[1]*csqrt(sf[3])*csqrt(sf[4]))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(1.7548*sf[2]*cpow(sf[3], 0.25)*cpow(sf[4], 0.75))) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function of spinel
double obj_ig_spl(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *mat_phi= d->mat_phi;
double *mu_Gex = d->mu_Gex;
double *sf = d->sf;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *d_em = d->d_em;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
mu_Gex[i] = 0.0;
int it = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < d->n_xeos; j++){
for (int k = j+1; k < d->n_em; k++){
mu_Gex[i] -= (d->eye[i][j] - d->p[j])*(d->eye[i][k] - d->p[k])*(d->W[it]);
it += 1;
sf[0] = 2.0*x[4]/3.0 -x[3]*x[0]/3.0 +x[3]/3.0 -x[0]/3.0 + 1.0/3.0;
sf[1] = 2.0*x[5]/3.0 +x[3]*x[0]/3.0 +x[0]/3.0;
sf[2] = -2.0*x[4]/3.0 - 2.0*x[5]/3.0 - 2.0*x[6]/3.0 + 2.0*x[2]*x[1]/3.0 + 2.0*x[3]*x[1]/3.0 - x[3]/3.0 - 2.0*x[1]/3.0 + 2.0/3.0;
sf[3] = 2.0*x[6]/3.0 - 2.0*x[2]*x[1]/3.0 - 2.0*x[3]*x[1]/3.0 + 2.0*x[1]/3.0;
sf[4] = -x[4]/3.0 -x[3]*x[0]/3.0 +x[3]/3.0 -x[0]/3.0 + 1.0/3.0;
sf[5] = -x[5]/3.0 +x[3]*x[0]/3.0 +x[0]/3.0;
sf[6] = x[4]/3.0 +x[5]/3.0 +x[6]/3.0 + 2.0*x[2]*x[1]/3.0 -x[2] + 2.0*x[3]*x[1]/3.0 - 5.0*x[3]/6.0 - 2.0*x[1]/3.0 + 2.0/3.0;
sf[7] = -x[6]/3.0 - 2.0*x[2]*x[1]/3.0 - 2.0*x[3]*x[1]/3.0 + 2.0*x[1]/3.0;
sf[8] = x[2];
sf[9] = 0.5*x[3];
mu[0] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[6])) + gb[0] + mu_Gex[0];
mu[1] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[2]*csqrt(sf[4])*csqrt(sf[6]))) + gb[1] + mu_Gex[1];
mu[2] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[6])) + gb[2] + mu_Gex[2];
mu[3] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[2]*csqrt(sf[5])*csqrt(sf[6]))) + gb[3] + mu_Gex[3];
mu[4] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[1]*sf[7] + d_em[4])) + gb[4] + mu_Gex[4];
mu[5] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[3]*csqrt(sf[5])*csqrt(sf[7]) + d_em[5])) + gb[5] + mu_Gex[5];
mu[6] = R*T*creal(clog(sf[0]*sf[8] + d_em[6])) + gb[6] + mu_Gex[6];
mu[7] = R*T*creal(clog(2.0*sf[0]*csqrt(sf[4])*csqrt(sf[9]) + d_em[7])) + gb[7] + mu_Gex[7];
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*d->p[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*d->p[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
double **dp_dx = d->dp_dx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){
dfx[i] += (mu[j] - (d->ape[j]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw)*d->factor*dp_dx[j][i];
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
objective function for aqueous species
double DebyeHuckel( double* A,
double* B,
double* azero,
double* bgamma,
double TK,
double Pbar,
double charge,
double II,
double density,
double g,
double epsilon,
double xiw ){
*A = 1.824829238e6 * sqrt(density)/pow((TK*epsilon),1.5);
*B = 50.29158649 * sqrt(density)/sqrt(TK*epsilon);
// azero in the Debye-Huckel (P-T dependent because g is P-T dependent)
double nc = 1.0;
double na = 1.0;
double ni = 2.0;
double zc = 1.0;
double za = -1.0;
double ac = 3.72; // Common ion size parameter - NaCl
double c = 2.0/ni * (nc * fabs(zc) + na * fabs(za));
*azero = ac + c*g;
/** bgamma in the Debye-Huckel (P-T dependent)
Calculation - Taken from GEMS line 525 - 589
units are cal, kg, K, mol, bar */
double a1 = 0.030056;
double a2 = -202.55;
double a3 = -2.9092;
double a4 = 20302.0;
double a5 = -0.206;
double c1 = -1.50;
double c2 = 53300.0;
double omg = 178650.0;
double bg = -174.623;
double bs = 2.164;
double rc = 0.97; // rc - radius of cation at 298 K/1 bar
double ra = 1.81; // ra - radius of anion at 298 K/1 bar
double omgpt = 1.66027e5*(1.0/(0.94+rc+g)+1.0/(ra+g));
double nbg = - ni*bg/2.0+ni*bs*(TK-298.15)/2.0 - c1*(TK*log(TK/298.15)-TK+298.15) + a1*(Pbar-1.0) + a2*log((2600.0+Pbar)/(2600.0+1.0)) - c2*((1.0/(TK-228)-1.0/(298.15-228.0))*(228.0-TK)/228.0-TK/(228.0*228.0) *log((298.15*(TK-228.0))/(TK*(298.15-228.0))))+ 1.0/(TK-228.0)*(a3*(Pbar-1.0) + a4*log((2600.0+Pbar)/(2600.0+1.0))) + a5*(omgpt*(1.0/epsilon-1.0) - omg*(1.0/78.24513-1)-5.80e-5*omg*(TK-298.15));
*bgamma = nbg/(2.0*log(10.0)*1.98721*TK);
double loggamma = - ((*A) * charge*charge * sqrt(II)) / (1.0 + (*azero) * (*B) * sqrt(II)) + ((*bgamma) * II) + log10(xiw);
return loggamma;
double OsmoticCoeff(double *A,
double *B,
double *azero,
double *bgamma,
double T,
double P,
double charge,
double II,
double density,
double g,
double epsilon,
double xiw,
double m_charge,
double m_all ){
double loggamma = DebyeHuckel( A,
charge, //charge of species
density, //density of water
xiw ); //fraction of water
// Equation 187 of Helgeson et al. (1981)
double gamma = -log10(1.0 + 0.0180153 * m_all);
double Lambda = 1.0 + (*azero) * (*B) * sqrt(II);
// sigmaterm here is short for = sigma * (azero*bgamma*csqrt(I))
double sigmaterm = (3.0/(pow((*azero),3.0) * pow((*B),3.0) * pow(II,(3.0/2.0)))) * (Lambda - 1.0/Lambda - 2.0*log(Lambda));
// printf("sigmaterm: %g\n",sigmaterm);
double Phi = -log10(m_charge/m_all) * (( pow(charge,2.0) * (*A) * sqrt(II) * sigmaterm)/3.0 + (1.0 * gamma)/(0.0180153*2.0*II) - ((*bgamma) * II) / 2.0);
double logawater = -(Phi*m_all)/55.508435;
return logawater;
void px_aq17(void *SS_ref_db, const double *x){
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
double *p = d->p;
int n_em = d->n_em;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
p[i] = x[i];
double obj_aq17(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *SS_ref_db) {
SS_ref *d = (SS_ref *) SS_ref_db;
int n_em = d->n_em;
int len_ox = d->len_ox;
double P = d->P;
double T = d->T;
double R = d->R;
double *gb = d->gb_lvl;
double *ElH = d->ElEntropy;
double **Comp = d->Comp;
double *mu = d->mu;
double *charge = d->mat_phi;
/* calculate chemical potential of fluid species, exept water */
double m_all = 0.0;
double m_charge = 0.0;
double A = 0.0;
double B = 0.0;
double azero = 0.0;
double bgamma = 0.0;
double xiw = x[0];
double Xw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
Xw += x[i];
double II = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < n_em; i++){
II += 55.508435*(x[i]/xiw)*pow(charge[i],2.0);
II *= 0.5;
double loggamma,cor;
for (int i = 1; i < n_em; i++){
loggamma = DebyeHuckel( &A,
charge[i], //charge of species
d->densityW, //density of water
xiw ); //fraction of water
// cor = HSC_to_SUPCRT(ElH, Comp[i], len_ox);
mu[i] = gb[i] + (log(pow(10.0,loggamma)) + log(1000.0/18.0153) + log(x[i]/Xw) - log(xiw/Xw) - xiw/Xw + 1.0 )/1000.0;
m_all += x[i];
if (charge[i] != 0.0){
m_charge += x[i];
m_all /= xiw;
m_charge /= xiw;
double logawater = OsmoticCoeff( &A,
m_all );
/* set chemical potential of water */
// cor = HSC_to_SUPCRT(ElH, Comp[0], len_ox);
mu[0] = gb[0] + ( log(logawater) + log(xiw/Xw) - Xw/xiw - xiw/Xw + 2.0)/1000.0;
d->sum_apep = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->sum_apep += d->ape[i]*x[i];
d->factor = d->fbc/d->sum_apep;
d->df_raw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
d->df_raw += mu[i]*x[i];
d->df = d->df_raw * d->factor;
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
printf(" %+12.6f",gb[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
printf(" %g",x[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
printf(" %+12.6f",mu[i]);
printf("\nFLUID: dfraw -> %+10f df -> %10f\n",d->df_raw,d->df);
// printf("\n\n");
if (grad){
double *dfx = d->dfx;
for (int i = 0; i < (d->n_xeos); i++){
dfx[i] = (mu[i] - (d->ape[i]/d->sum_apep)*d->df_raw);
grad[i] = creal(dfx[i]);
return d->df;
SS_ref P2X( global_variable gv,
SS_ref SS_ref_db,
bulk_info z_b,
char *name ){
double eps = gv.bnd_val;
/* Associate the right solid-solution data */
if(gv.EM_database == 0){
if (strcmp( name, "liq") == 0 ){
p2x_mp_liq(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0){
p2x_mp_fsp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0){
p2x_mp_bi(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
p2x_mp_g(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0){
p2x_mp_ep(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ma") == 0){
p2x_mp_ma(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0){
p2x_mp_mu(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
p2x_mp_opx(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "sa") == 0){
p2x_mp_sa(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "cd") == 0){
p2x_mp_cd(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "st") == 0){
p2x_mp_st(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0){
p2x_mp_chl(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ctd") == 0){
p2x_mp_ctd(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "sp") == 0){
p2x_mp_sp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0){
p2x_mp_ilm(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilmm") == 0){
p2x_mp_ilmm(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "mt") == 0){
p2x_mp_mt(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "aq17") == 0){
p2x_aq17(&SS_ref_db, eps);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if (gv.EM_database == 1){
if (strcmp( name, "liq") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_liq(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "amp") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_amp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "aug") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_aug(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "dio") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_dio(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_opx(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_g(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_ol(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_fsp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "abc") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_abc(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "k4tr") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_k4tr(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "sp") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_sp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_ilm(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilmm") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_ilmm(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_ep(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_bi(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_mu(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0 ){
p2x_mb_chl(&SS_ref_db, eps);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if(gv.EM_database == 2){
if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0 ){
p2x_ig_bi(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "fper") == 0){
p2x_ig_fper(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "cd") == 0){
p2x_ig_cd(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "cpx") == 0){
p2x_ig_cpx(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0){
p2x_ig_ep(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "fl") == 0){
p2x_ig_fl(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
p2x_ig_g(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "amp") == 0){
p2x_ig_amp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0){
p2x_ig_ilm(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "liq") == 0){
p2x_ig_liq(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0){
p2x_ig_mu(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0){
p2x_ig_ol(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
p2x_ig_opx(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0){
p2x_ig_fsp(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "spl") == 0){
p2x_ig_spl(&SS_ref_db, eps);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if(gv.EM_database == 4){
if (strcmp( name, "fl") == 0 ){
p2x_um_fluid(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0){
p2x_um_ol(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "br") == 0){
p2x_um_br(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ch") == 0){
p2x_um_ch(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "atg") == 0){
p2x_um_atg(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
p2x_um_g(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "ta") == 0){
p2x_um_ta(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0){
p2x_um_chl(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "anth") == 0){
p2x_um_anth(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "spi") == 0){
p2x_um_spi(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
p2x_um_opx(&SS_ref_db, eps);
else if (strcmp( name, "po") == 0){
p2x_um_po(&SS_ref_db, eps);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
return SS_ref_db;
SS_ref PC_function( global_variable gv,
SS_ref SS_ref_db,
bulk_info z_b,
char *name ){
double G0 = 0.0;
/* Associate the right solid-solution data */
if(gv.EM_database == 0){
if (strcmp( name, "liq") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mp_liq(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_fsp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_bi(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_g(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_ep(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ma") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_ma(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_mu(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_opx(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "sa") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_sa(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "cd") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_cd(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "st") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_st(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_chl(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ctd") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_ctd(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "sp") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_sp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_ilm(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilmm") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_ilmm(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "mt") == 0){
G0 = obj_mp_mt(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "aq17") == 0){
G0 = obj_aq17(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if (gv.EM_database == 1){
if (strcmp( name,"liq") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_liq(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "amp") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_amp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "aug") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_aug(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "dio") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_dio(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_opx(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_g(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_ol(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_fsp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "abc") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_abc(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "k4tr") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_k4tr(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "sp") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_sp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_ilm(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilmm") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_ilmm(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_ep(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_bi(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_mu(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_mb_chl(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if(gv.EM_database == 2){
if (strcmp( name, "bi") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_ig_bi(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "fper") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_fper(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "cd") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_cd(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "cpx") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_cpx(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ep") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_ep(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "fl") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_fl(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_g(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "amp") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_amp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ilm") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_ilm(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "liq") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_liq(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "mu") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_mu(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_ol(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_opx(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "fsp") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_fsp(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess,SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "spl") == 0){
G0 = obj_ig_spl(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
else if(gv.EM_database == 4){
if (strcmp( name, "fl") == 0 ){
G0 = obj_um_fluid(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ol") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_ol(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "br") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_br(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ch") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_ch(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "atg") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_atg(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "g") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_g(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "ta") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_ta(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "chl") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_chl(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "anth") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_anth(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "spi") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_spi(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "opx") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_opx(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
else if (strcmp( name, "po") == 0){
G0 = obj_um_po(SS_ref_db.n_xeos, SS_ref_db.iguess, SS_ref_db.dfx, &SS_ref_db);
printf("\nsolid solution '%s' is not in the database\n",name);
// if (strcmp( name, "aq17") == 0){
// /* correction from SUPCRT to HSC convention */
// double cor;
// int n_em = SS_ref_db.n_em;
// SS_ref_db.df_raw = 0.0;
// for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
// cor = SUPCRT_to_HSC(SS_ref_db.ElEntropy, SS_ref_db.Comp[i], SS_ref_db.len_ox);
// SS_ref_db.mu[i] += cor;
// SS_ref_db.df_raw += SS_ref_db.mu[i]*SS_ref_db.p[i];
// }
// SS_ref_db.sum_apep = 0.0;
// for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
// SS_ref_db.sum_apep += SS_ref_db.ape[i]*SS_ref_db.p[i];
// }
// SS_ref_db.factor = SS_ref_db.fbc/SS_ref_db.sum_apep;
// SS_ref_db.df_raw = 0.0;
// for (int i = 0; i < n_em; i++){
// SS_ref_db.df_raw += SS_ref_db.mu[i]*SS_ref_db.p[i];
// }
// SS_ref_db.df = SS_ref_db.df_raw * SS_ref_db.factor;
// // printf("df aq17: %+12.8f\n",SS_ref_db.df);
// }
// else{
SS_ref_db.df = G0;
// }
/** initialize composition */
for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){
SS_ref_db.ss_comp[j] = 0.0;
/* set mu = 0 for absent oxides */
for (int j = 0; j < SS_ref_db.n_em; j++){
SS_ref_db.mu[j] *= SS_ref_db.z_em[j];
/* find solution phase composition*/
for (int i = 0; i < SS_ref_db.n_em; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){
SS_ref_db.ss_comp[j] += SS_ref_db.Comp[i][j]*SS_ref_db.p[i]*SS_ref_db.z_em[i];
/* check if site fractions are satisfied */
SS_ref_db.sf_ok = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < SS_ref_db.n_sf; i++){
if (SS_ref_db.sf[i] < gv.eps_sf_pc || isnan(SS_ref_db.sf[i]) == 1|| isinf(SS_ref_db.sf[i]) == 1){
SS_ref_db.sf_ok = 0;
return SS_ref_db;
int get_phase_id( global_variable gv,
char *name ){
int id = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){
if (strcmp( name, gv.SS_list[i]) == 0 ){
id = i;
return id;