Source code for dump_function.c

 The goal is to retrieve logged data and dump them into      
 files to track the behaviour of the solver                  
 This should be used in production runs as dumping files to  
 disk will drastically slow down the performances            
 TRACKED DOWN DATA:                                          
  - Execution time per function                      
  - Residual                                                                                                     

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <complex.h> 
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "MAGEMin.h"
#include "gem_function.h"
#include "gss_function.h"
#include "objective_functions.h"
#include "toolkit.h"

[docs]/** Initialize dumping function by creating needed files */ void dump_init(global_variable gv){ FILE *loc_min; char out_lm[255]; struct stat st = {0}; int rank, numprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (stat(gv.outpath, &st) == -1) { mkdir(gv.outpath, 0700); } /** THERMOCALC-LIKE OUTPUT **/ if (gv.verbose == 1 && gv.output_matlab == 0){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_thermocalc_style_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fclose(loc_min); } /** OUTPUT FOR MATLAB, print out wt and mol fractions instead of TC atom basis **/ if (gv.output_matlab >= 1){ if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_matlab_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } else { sprintf(out_lm, "%s_matlab_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fclose(loc_min); } if (gv.verbose == 0){ /**GUI OUTPUT **/ if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } else { sprintf(out_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(loc_min, "// {number status[] P[kbar] T[C] G_sys[G] BR_norm[wt] Gamma[G] Vp[km/s] Vs[km/s] entropy[J/K]} nextline {Phase[name] mode[wt] density[kg.m-3] x-eos}\n"); fclose(loc_min); } }
[docs]/** Save final result of minimization */ void fill_output_struct( global_variable gv, simplex_data *splx_data, bulk_info z_b, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp, stb_system *sp ){ double G = 0.0; double sum; double sum_wt; double sum_mol; double sum_vol; double sum_em_wt; double sum_ph_mass; double sum_Molar_mass_bulk; double atp2wt; int nox = gv.len_ox; int i, j, k, m, n, em_id, ph_id, pc_id; strcpy(sp[0].MAGEMin_ver,gv.version); sp[0].bulk_res_norm = gv.BR_norm; sp[0].n_iterations = gv.global_ite; sp[0].status = gv.div; sp[0].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].rho = gv.system_density; sp[0].fO2 = log10(gv.system_fO2); sp[0].dQFM = log10(gv.system_deltaQFM); sp[0].aH2O = gv.system_aH2O; sp[0].aSiO2 = gv.system_aSiO2; sp[0].aTiO2 = gv.system_aTiO2; sp[0].aAl2O3 = gv.system_aAl2O3; sp[0].aMgO = gv.system_aMgO; sp[0].aFeO = gv.system_aFeO; sp[0].alpha = gv.system_expansivity; sp[0].V = gv.system_volume*10.0; sp[0].cp = gv.system_cp; sp[0].entropy = gv.system_entropy; sp[0].enthalpy = gv.system_enthalpy; sp[0].bulkMod = gv.system_bulkModulus; sp[0].shearMod = gv.system_shearModulus; sp[0].Vp = gv.system_Vp; sp[0].Vs = gv.system_Vs; sp[0].bulkModulus_M = gv.melt_bulkModulus, sp[0].bulkModulus_S = gv.solid_bulkModulus, sp[0].shearModulus_S = gv.solid_shearModulus, sp[0].Vp_S = gv.solid_Vp, sp[0].Vs_S = gv.solid_Vs, sp[0].G = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ strcpy(sp[0].oxides[j],gv.ox[j]); sp[0].G += z_b.bulk_rock[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } sp[0].P = z_b.P; sp[0].T = z_b.T; sp[0].X = 1.0; sum_Molar_mass_bulk = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nox; i++){ sp[0].bulk[i] = z_b.bulk_rock[i]; sp[0].gamma[i] = gv.gam_tot[i]; sp[0].bulk_wt[i] = z_b.bulk_rock[i]*z_b.masspo[i]; sum_Molar_mass_bulk += sp[0].bulk_wt[i]; } for (i = 0; i < nox; i++){ sp[0].bulk_wt[i] /= sum_Molar_mass_bulk; } sp[0].n_ph = gv.n_phase; sp[0].n_PP = 0; sp[0].n_SS = 0; sp[0].n_mSS = 0; sp[0].frac_S = 0.0; sp[0].frac_M = 0.0; sp[0].frac_F = 0.0; sp[0].rho_S = 0.0; sp[0].rho_M = 0.0; sp[0].rho_F = 0.0; sp[0].cp_wt = 0.0; sp[0].s_cp = 0.0; /* copy data from solution phases */ n = 0; m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ strcpy(sp[0].ph[n],cp[i].name); atp2wt = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ atp2wt += cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor*z_b.masspo[j]; } atp2wt /= sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].ph_frac[n] = cp[i].ss_n; sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n] = cp[i].ss_n*atp2wt; sp[0].ph_type[n] = 1; sp[0].ph_id[n] = m; sp[0].n_SS += 1; sp[0].cp_wt += cp[i].phase_cp * cp[i].ss_n*atp2wt * cp[i].factor; G = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ G += cp[i].ss_comp[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } sp[0].SS[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].SS[m].f = cp[i].factor; sp[0].SS[m].G = G; sp[0].SS[m].deltaG = cp[i].df; sp[0].SS[m].V = cp[i].volume*10.; sp[0].SS[m].cp = cp[i].phase_cp; sp[0].SS[m].rho = cp[i].phase_density; sp[0].SS[m].alpha = cp[i].phase_expansivity; sp[0].SS[m].entropy = cp[i].phase_entropy; sp[0].SS[m].enthalpy = cp[i].phase_enthalpy; sp[0].SS[m].bulkMod = cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10.; sp[0].SS[m].shearMod = cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.; sp[0].SS[m].Vp = sqrt((cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. + 4.0/3.0*cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)); sp[0].SS[m].Vs = sqrt(cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)); sp[0].SS[m].n_xeos = cp[i].n_xeos; sp[0].SS[m].n_em = cp[i].n_em; /* solution phase composition */ sum_wt = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].SS[m].Comp[j] = cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor; sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j] = sp[0].SS[m].Comp[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum_wt += sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].SS[m].Comp[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j] /= sum_wt; sp[0].SS[m].Comp[j] /= sum_mol; } for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_xeos; j++){ sp[0].SS[m].compVariables[j] = cp[i].xeos[j]; } for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_xeos; j++){ strcpy(sp[0].SS[m].compVariablesNames[j],SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j]); } sum_ph_mass = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ sum_em_wt = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ sum_em_wt += SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].Comp[j][k]*cp[i].p_em[j]*z_b.masspo[k]; } sp[0].SS[m].emFrac_wt[j] = sum_em_wt/sum_wt; sum_ph_mass += sp[0].SS[m].emFrac_wt[j]; strcpy(sp[0].SS[m].emNames[j],SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].EM_list[j]); sp[0].SS[m].emFrac[j] = cp[i].p_em[j]; sp[0].SS[m].emChemPot[j] = cp[i].mu[j]; sum_wt = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ sp[0].SS[m].emComp[j][k] = SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].Comp[j][k]*cp[i].factor; sp[0].SS[m].emComp_wt[j][k] = sp[0].SS[m].emComp[j][k]*z_b.masspo[k]; sum_wt += sp[0].SS[m].emComp_wt[j][k]; sum_mol += sp[0].SS[m].emComp[j][k]; } for (k = 0; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ sp[0].SS[m].emComp_wt[j][k] /= sum_wt; sp[0].SS[m].emComp[j][k] /= sum_mol; } } for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ sp[0].SS[m].emFrac_wt[j] /= sum_ph_mass; } if (strcmp( cp[i].name, "liq") == 0 || strcmp( cp[i].name, "fl") == 0 ){ if (strcmp( cp[i].name, "liq") == 0){ sp[0].frac_M = cp[i].ss_n; sp[0].rho_M = cp[i].phase_density; sum = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_M[j] = cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor; sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j] = sp[0].bulk_M[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum += sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j] /= sum; } atp2wt = sum/sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].frac_M_wt = sp[0].frac_M*atp2wt; } else{ sp[0].frac_F = cp[i].ss_n; sp[0].rho_F = cp[i].phase_density; sum = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F[j] = cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor; sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j] = cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor*z_b.masspo[j]; sum += sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].bulk_F[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j] /= sum; sp[0].bulk_F[j] /= sum_mol; } atp2wt = sum/sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].frac_F_wt = sp[0].frac_F*atp2wt; } } else { sp[0].frac_S += cp[i].ss_n; sp[0].rho_S += cp[i].ss_n*cp[i].phase_density; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_S[j] += cp[i].ss_n*cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor; } } n += 1; m += 1; } } /* copy data from pure phases */ m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ strcpy(sp[0].ph[n],gv.PP_list[i]); atp2wt = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ atp2wt += PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor*z_b.masspo[j]; } atp2wt /= sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].ph_frac[n] = gv.pp_n[i]; sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n] = gv.pp_n[i]*atp2wt; sp[0].ph_type[n] = 0; sp[0].ph_id[n] = m; sp[0].n_PP += 1; sp[0].cp_wt += PP_ref_db[i].phase_cp * gv.pp_n[i]*atp2wt *PP_ref_db[i].factor; sp[0].PP[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].PP[m].f = PP_ref_db[i].factor; sp[0].PP[m].G = PP_ref_db[i].gbase; sp[0].PP[m].deltaG = PP_ref_db[i].gb_lvl; sp[0].PP[m].V = PP_ref_db[i].volume*10.; sp[0].PP[m].cp = PP_ref_db[i].phase_cp; sp[0].PP[m].rho = PP_ref_db[i].phase_density; sp[0].PP[m].alpha = PP_ref_db[i].phase_expansivity; sp[0].PP[m].entropy = PP_ref_db[i].phase_entropy; sp[0].PP[m].enthalpy = PP_ref_db[i].phase_enthalpy; sp[0].PP[m].bulkMod = PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10.; sp[0].PP[m].shearMod = PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.; sp[0].PP[m].Vp = sqrt((PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. + 4.0/3.0*PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)); sp[0].PP[m].Vs = sqrt(PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)); sum_wt = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].PP[m].Comp[j] = PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor; sp[0].PP[m].Comp_wt[j] = sp[0].PP[m].Comp[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum_wt += sp[0].PP[m].Comp_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].PP[m].Comp[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].PP[m].Comp_wt[j] /= sum_wt; sp[0].PP[m].Comp[j] /= sum_mol; } if (strcmp( gv.PP_list[i], "H2O") != 0){ sp[0].frac_S += gv.pp_n[i]; sp[0].rho_S += gv.pp_n[i]*PP_ref_db[i].phase_density; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_S[j] += gv.pp_n[i]*PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor;; } } if (strcmp( gv.PP_list[i], "H2O") == 0){ sp[0].frac_F = gv.pp_n[i]; sp[0].rho_F = gv.pp_n[i]*PP_ref_db[i].phase_density; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F[j] = gv.pp_n[i]*PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor;; } } n += 1; m += 1; } } // compute volume fraction and normalize other fractions sum_vol = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; sum_wt = 0.0; n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ sp[0].ph_frac_vol[n] = sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n] / sp[0].SS[n].rho; sum_vol += sp[0].ph_frac_vol[n]; sum_mol += sp[0].ph_frac[n]; sum_wt += sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n]; n+=1; } } m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ sp[0].ph_frac_vol[n] = sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n] / sp[0].PP[m].rho; sum_vol += sp[0].ph_frac_vol[n]; sum_mol += sp[0].ph_frac[n]; sum_wt += sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n]; m +=1; n +=1; } } for (int i = 0; i < gv.n_phase; i++){ sp[0].ph_frac_vol[i] /= sum_vol; sp[0].ph_frac[i] /= sum_mol; sp[0].ph_frac_wt[i] /= sum_wt; } /* normalize rho_S and bulk_S */ sp[0].rho_S /= sp[0].frac_S; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_S[j] /= sp[0].frac_S; } sum = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_S_wt[j] = sp[0].bulk_S[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum += sp[0].bulk_S_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].bulk_S[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_S_wt[j] /= sum; sp[0].bulk_S[j] /= sum_mol; } atp2wt = sum/sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].frac_S_wt = sp[0].frac_S*atp2wt; /* normalize bulk_M */ for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_M[j] /= sp[0].frac_M; } sum = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j] = sp[0].bulk_M[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum += sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].bulk_M[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j] /= sum; sp[0].bulk_M[j] /= sum_mol; } atp2wt = sum/sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].frac_M_wt = sp[0].frac_M*atp2wt; /* normalize rho_F and bulk_F */ sp[0].rho_F /= sp[0].frac_F; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F[j] /= sp[0].frac_F; } sum = 0.0; sum_mol = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j] = sp[0].bulk_F[j]*z_b.masspo[j]; sum += sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j]; sum_mol += sp[0].bulk_F[j]; } for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j] /= sum; sp[0].bulk_F[j] /= sum_mol; } atp2wt = sum/sum_Molar_mass_bulk; sp[0].frac_F_wt = sp[0].frac_F*atp2wt; /* compute cp as J/K/kg for given bulk-rock composition */ double MolarMass_system = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ MolarMass_system += z_b.bulk_rock[i]*(z_b.masspo[i]); } sp[0].s_cp = sp[0].cp_wt/MolarMass_system*1e6; /* get LP assemblage */ m = 0; simplex_data *d = (simplex_data *) splx_data; for (i = 0; i < d->n_Ox; i++){ ph_id = d->ph_id_A[i][1]; if (d->ph_id_A[i][0] == 1){ /* if phase is a pure species */ for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j] = PP_ref_db[ph_id].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[ph_id].factor; } sp[0].mSS[m].G_Ppc = PP_ref_db[ph_id].gbase*PP_ref_db[ph_id].factor; sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc = sp[0].mSS[m].G_Ppc; for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc -= sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j] *gv.gam_tot[j]; } strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].info,"lpig"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_type,"pp"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_name,gv.PP_list[ph_id]); sp[0].mSS[m].ph_id = ph_id; sp[0].mSS[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].mSS[m].n_xeos = 0; sp[0].mSS[m].n_em = 0; sp[0].n_mSS += 1; m += 1; } else if (d->ph_id_A[i][0] == 2){ /* pure endmembers as solution phase */ em_id = d->ph_id_A[i][3]; for (j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; j++) { SS_ref_db[ph_id].p[j] = gv.em2ss_shift; } SS_ref_db[ph_id].p[em_id] = 1.0 - gv.em2ss_shift*SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; SS_ref_db[ph_id] = P2X( gv, SS_ref_db[ph_id], z_b, gv.SS_list[ph_id] ); /* get unrotated gbase */ SS_ref_db[ph_id] = non_rot_hyperplane( gv, SS_ref_db[ph_id] ); SS_ref_db[ph_id] = PC_function( gv, SS_ref_db[ph_id], z_b, gv.SS_list[ph_id] ); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].ss_comp[j]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].factor; } sp[0].mSS[m].G_Ppc = SS_ref_db[ph_id].df; sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc = SS_ref_db[ph_id].df; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc -= sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].info,"lpig"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_type,"ss_em"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_name,gv.SS_list[ph_id]); sp[0].mSS[m].ph_id = ph_id; sp[0].mSS[m].em_id = em_id; sp[0].mSS[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].mSS[m].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; sp[0].mSS[m].n_em = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; for (j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].p_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].p[j]; sp[0].mSS[m].mu_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].mu[j]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].z_em[j]; } for (j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].xeos_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].iguess[j]; } sp[0].n_mSS += 1; m += 1; } else if (d->ph_id_A[i][0] == 3){ /* solution phase */ pc_id = d->ph_id_A[i][3]; /* solution phase */ if (d->ph_id_A[i][0] == 3 && d->stage[i] == 1){ pc_id = d->ph_id_A[i][3]; for (int ii = 0; ii < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; ii++){ SS_ref_db[ph_id].iguess[ii] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].xeos_Ppc[pc_id][ii]; } } if (d->ph_id_A[i][0] == 3 && d->stage[i] == 0){ pc_id = d->ph_id_A[i][3]; for (int ii = 0; ii < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; ii++){ SS_ref_db[ph_id].iguess[ii] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].xeos_pc[pc_id][ii]; } } /* get unrotated gbase */ SS_ref_db[ph_id] = non_rot_hyperplane( gv, SS_ref_db[ph_id] ); SS_ref_db[ph_id] = PC_function( gv, SS_ref_db[ph_id], z_b, gv.SS_list[ph_id] ); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].ss_comp[j]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].factor; } sp[0].mSS[m].G_Ppc = SS_ref_db[ph_id].df; sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc = SS_ref_db[ph_id].df; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc -= sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].info,"lpig"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_type,"ss"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_name,gv.SS_list[ph_id]); sp[0].mSS[m].ph_id = ph_id; sp[0].mSS[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].mSS[m].n_xeos = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; sp[0].mSS[m].n_em = SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; for (int j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_em; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].p_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].p[j]; sp[0].mSS[m].mu_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].mu[j]*SS_ref_db[ph_id].z_em[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[ph_id].n_xeos; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].xeos_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[ph_id].iguess[j]; } sp[0].n_mSS += 1; m += 1; } } /* copy metastable phases to sb structure */ int n_xeos, n_em; for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){ if (SS_ref_db[i].ss_flags[0] == 1){ n_em = SS_ref_db[i].n_em; n_xeos = SS_ref_db[i].n_xeos; for (int l = 0; l < SS_ref_db[i].tot_Ppc; l++){ if (SS_ref_db[i].info_Ppc[l] == 9 && m < gv.max_n_mSS){ sp[0].n_mSS += 1; strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].info,"ppc"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_type,"ss"); strcpy(sp[0].mSS[m].ph_name,gv.SS_list[i]); sp[0].mSS[m].ph_id = i; sp[0].mSS[m].nOx = gv.len_ox; sp[0].mSS[m].n_xeos = n_xeos; sp[0].mSS[m].n_em = n_em; sp[0].mSS[m].G_Ppc = SS_ref_db[i].G_Ppc[l]; sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc = SS_ref_db[i].G_Ppc[l]; for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++) { sp[0].mSS[m].DF_Ppc -= SS_ref_db[i].comp_Ppc[l][j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].comp_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[i].comp_Ppc[l][j]; } for (int j = 0; j < n_em; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].p_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[i].p_Ppc[l][j]; sp[0].mSS[m].mu_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[i].mu_Ppc[l][j]; } for (int j = 0; j < n_xeos; j++){ sp[0].mSS[m].xeos_Ppc[j] = SS_ref_db[i].xeos_Ppc[l][j]; } m += 1; } } } } if (m >= gv.max_n_mSS){ printf("WARNING: maximum number of metastable pseudocompounds has been reached, increase the value in gss_init_function.c (SP_INIT_function)\n"); } // debug print if (1 == 0){ printf("Phase vol\n"); for (int m = 0; m < gv.n_phase; m++){ printf(" %4s %+10f\n",sp[0].ph[m],sp[0].ph_frac_vol[m]); } printf("\n"); printf("Phase wt\n"); for (int m = 0; m < gv.n_phase; m++){ printf(" %4s %+10f\n",sp[0].ph[m],sp[0].ph_frac_wt[m]); } printf("\n"); for (int m = 0; m < gv.n_cp_phase; m++){ printf(" %4s composition [wt]\n",sp[0].ph[m]); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ printf(" %+10f", sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j]); } printf("\n"); for (int k = 0; k < sp[0].SS[m].n_em; k++){ printf(" %+10f",sp[0].SS[m].emFrac_wt[k]); } printf("\n"); } n = 0; for (int m = gv.n_cp_phase; m < gv.n_phase; m++){ printf(" %4s composition [wt]\n",sp[0].ph[m]); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ printf(" %+10f", sp[0].PP[n].Comp_wt[j]); } n += 1; printf("\n"); } printf("Bulk solid:\n %+10f |",sp[0].frac_S_wt ); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ printf(" %+10f", sp[0].bulk_S_wt[j]); } printf("\n"); printf("Bulk melt:\n %+10f |",sp[0].frac_M_wt ); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ printf(" %+10f", sp[0].bulk_M_wt[j]); } printf("\n"); printf("Bulk fluid:\n %+10f |",sp[0].frac_F_wt ); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ printf(" %+10f", sp[0].bulk_F_wt[j]); } printf("\n"); } }
[docs]/** thermocalc like output */ void output_thermocalc( global_variable gv, bulk_info z_b, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp, stb_system *sp ){ FILE *loc_min; char out_lm[255]; int rank, numprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); int i,j,m,n,k,n_ss; /* output active phase fraction*/ if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_thermocalc_style_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } else { sprintf(out_lm, "%s_thermocalc_style_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "a"); fprintf(loc_min, "============================================================\n"); n_ss = 0; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", cp[i].name); n_ss += 1; } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } } fprintf(loc_min, " {%10.5f, %10.5f} kbar/°C\n\n",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); fprintf(loc_min, "Compositional variables (solution phase):\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_xeos; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].xeos[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\nEnd-members fraction (solution phase):\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", ""); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].EM_list[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].p_em[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\nEnd-members PGE expression [exp(-mu/(RT))]:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", ""); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].EM_list[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].xi_em[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\nEnd-members delta_mu:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", ""); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].EM_list[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].mu[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\nSite fractions:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < (cp[i].n_sf); j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].sf[j]); // *-1.0 because inequality are given as -x <= 0 in NLopt } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\nOxide compositions [mol fraction] (normalized on 1 atom basis):\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%5s"," "); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, " %10s", gv.ox[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n %5s","SYS"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ",z_b.bulk_rock[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", gv.PP_list[i]); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } double G; fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "Stable mineral assemblage:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n","phase","mod[mol fr]","f","G[J]" ,"V[cm3/mol]" ,"Cp[kJ/K]","Rho[kg/m3]","Alpha[1/K]","Entropy[J/K]","Enthalpy[J]","BulkMod[GPa]","ShearMod[GPa]","Vp[km/s]","Vs[km/s]"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ G = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ G += cp[i].ss_comp[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } fprintf(loc_min, "%6s", cp[i].name); fprintf(loc_min, "%+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.8f %+12.6f %+12.6f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f", cp[i].ss_n,cp[i].factor, G, cp[i].volume*10., cp[i].phase_cp, cp[i].phase_density, cp[i].phase_expansivity, cp[i].phase_entropy, cp[i].phase_enthalpy, cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10., cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10., sqrt((cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. +4.0/3.0*cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)), sqrt(cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)) ); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%6s", gv.PP_list[i]); fprintf(loc_min, "%+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.8f %+12.6f %+12.6f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f", gv.pp_n[i], PP_ref_db[i].factor, PP_ref_db[i].gbase, PP_ref_db[i].volume*10., PP_ref_db[i].phase_cp, PP_ref_db[i].phase_density, PP_ref_db[i].phase_expansivity, PP_ref_db[i].phase_entropy, PP_ref_db[i].phase_enthalpy, PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10., PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10., sqrt((PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. +4.0/3.0*PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)), sqrt(PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)) ); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } G = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ G += z_b.bulk_rock[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %24s %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %12s %+12.6f %+12.6f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f\n", "SYS", " ", G, gv.system_volume*10., gv.system_cp, gv.system_density, " ", gv.system_entropy, gv.system_enthalpy, gv.system_bulkModulus, gv.system_shearModulus, gv.system_Vp, gv.system_Vs ); /* output solution phase composition */ fprintf(loc_min, "\nGamma[J] (chemical potential of oxides):\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+12.5f\n", gv.ox[i], gv.gam_tot[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\nG-hyperplane distance[J]:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%5s %+10e\n", cp[i].name,cp[i].df); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n\n"); /* save initial guess for THERMOCALC */ fprintf(loc_min, "Initial guess for THERMOCALC:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% at P = %12.8f, T = %12.8f, for: ",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%s ", cp[i].name); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "ptguess %12.8f %12.8f\n",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); n = 1; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ for (j = 0; j < cp[i].n_xeos; j++){ if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%1s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j], cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 2){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%2s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j], cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 3){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%3s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j], cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 4){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%4s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j], cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 5){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%5s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j], cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } } if (n < n_ss){ fprintf(loc_min, "%% -----------------------------\n"); } n += 1; } } fprintf(loc_min, "%% —————————————————————————————\n"); fclose(loc_min); }
[docs]/** output used for the graphic user interface */ void output_gui( global_variable gv, bulk_info z_b, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp, stb_system *sp ){ FILE *loc_min; char out_lm[255]; int rank, numprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); int i,j,m,n,k; if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } else { sprintf(out_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } /* get number of repeated phases for the solvi */ int n_solvi[gv.len_ss]; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ss; i++){ n_solvi[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ n_solvi[cp[i].id] += 1; } } loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "a"); fprintf(loc_min, "%i %i %.10f %.10f %.10f %.10f", gv.numPoint+1, gv.status, z_b.P, z_b.T-273.15, gv.G_system,gv.BR_norm); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min," %0.10f", gv.gam_tot[i]); } for (i = gv.len_ox; i < 11; i++){ fprintf(loc_min," %0.10f", 0.0); } fprintf(loc_min, " %.10f %.10f %.10f",gv.system_Vp,gv.system_Vs,gv.system_entropy); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); m = 0; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ if (n_solvi[cp[i].id] > 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%s_%d \t %.10f \t %.10f \t", cp[i].name,n_solvi[cp[i].id], cp[i].ss_n, cp[i].phase_density); } else{ fprintf(loc_min, "%s \t %.10f \t %.10f \t", cp[i].name, cp[i].ss_n, cp[i].phase_density); } fprintf(loc_min, "%d ", cp[i].n_xeos); for (j = 0; j < (cp[i].n_xeos); j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", cp[i].xeos[j]); } for (j = 0; j < (cp[i].n_em); j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].EM_list[j]); fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", cp[i].p_em[j]); } fprintf(loc_min, "%d ", gv.len_ox); for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", gv.ox[j]); fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j]); // fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", cp[i].ss_comp[j]*cp[i].factor); } fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", sp[0].ph_frac_wt[m]); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); m += 1; } } n = 0; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%s \t %.10f \t %.10f \t", gv.PP_list[i], gv.pp_n[i], PP_ref_db[i].phase_density); fprintf(loc_min, "%d ", 0); fprintf(loc_min, "%d ", gv.len_ox); for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", gv.ox[j]); fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", sp[0].PP[n].Comp_wt[j]); // fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", PP_ref_db[i].Comp[j]*PP_ref_db[i].factor); } fprintf(loc_min, "%.10f ", sp[0].ph_frac_wt[m+n]); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); n += 1; } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fclose(loc_min); /** * @brief output parameters to calculate seismic wave velocity correction * */ // FILE *tot_min; // char tot_lm[255]; // if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(tot_lm, "%s_wave_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } // else { sprintf(tot_lm, "%s_wave_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } // tot_min = fopen(tot_lm, "a"); // if (sp[0].frac_M < 1.0){ // if (sp[0].frac_M > 0.0){ // fprintf(tot_min, "%i %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f \n",gv.numPoint+1, z_b.P, z_b.T-273.15,sp[0].Vs_S,sp[0].Vp_S,sp[0].bulkModulus_S,sp[0].shearModulus_S,sp[0].bulkModulus_M,sp[0].rho_M,sp[0].rho_S,sp[0].frac_M, // sp[0].bulk_S_wt[5]+sp[0].bulk_S_wt[6],sp[0].bulk_M_wt[5]+sp[0].bulk_M_wt[6], sp[0].bulk_S_wt[0], sp[0].bulk_M_wt[0], sp[0].bulk_M_wt[10]); // } // else{ // fprintf(tot_min, "%i %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f \n", gv.numPoint+1, z_b.P, z_b.T-273.15,sp[0].Vs_S,sp[0].Vp_S,sp[0].bulkModulus_S,sp[0].shearModulus_S,sp[0].bulkModulus_M,sp[0].rho_M,sp[0].rho_S,sp[0].frac_M, // sp[0].bulk_S_wt[5]+sp[0].bulk_S_wt[6],0.0/0.0, sp[0].bulk_S_wt[0], 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0); // } // } // else{ // fprintf(tot_min, "%i %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f \n", gv.numPoint+1, z_b.P, z_b.T-273.15, 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0, sp[0].bulkModulus_M, 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0,sp[0].frac_M, // 0.0/0.0,sp[0].bulk_M_wt[5]+sp[0].bulk_M_wt[6],0.0/0.0, sp[0].bulk_M_wt[0], sp[0].bulk_M_wt[10]); // } // fclose(tot_min); }
[docs]/** output used for the matlab interface */ void output_matlab( global_variable gv, bulk_info z_b, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp, stb_system *sp ){ FILE *loc_min; char out_lm[255]; int rank, numprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); int i,j,m,n,k; /* output active phase fraction*/ if (numprocs==1){ sprintf(out_lm, "%s_matlab_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); } else { sprintf(out_lm, "%s_matlab_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, rank); } loc_min = fopen(out_lm, "a"); fprintf(loc_min, "============================================================\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", cp[i].name); } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } } fprintf(loc_min, " {%10.5f, %10.5f} kbar/°C\n\n",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); fprintf(loc_min, "\nEnd-members fractions[wt fr]\n"); for (m = 0; m < gv.n_cp_phase; m++){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", ""); for (j = 0; j < sp[0].SS[m].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", sp[0].SS[m].emNames[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", sp[0].ph[m]); for (j = 0; j < sp[0].SS[m].n_em; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", sp[0].SS[m].emFrac_wt[j]); } for (k = j; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nSite fractions:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", cp[i].name); for (j = 0; j < (cp[i].n_sf); j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%8.5f ", cp[i].sf[j]); // *-1.0 because inequality are given as -x <= 0 in NLopt } for (k = j; k < 18; k++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%8s ", "-"); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nOxide compositions [wt fr]:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%5s"," "); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, " %10s", gv.ox[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n %5s","SYS"); for (int i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ",sp[0].bulk_wt[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); for (int m = 0; m < gv.n_cp_phase; m++){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", sp[0].ph[m]); for (int j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", sp[0].SS[m].Comp_wt[j]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); } n = 0; for (m = gv.n_cp_phase; m < gv.n_phase; m++){ fprintf(loc_min, " %5s", sp[0].ph[m]); for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", sp[0].PP[n].Comp_wt[j]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); n += 1; } // fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nEnd-members compositions[wt fr]\n"); // fprintf(loc_min, "%5s %5s", "SS", "EM"); // for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ // fprintf(loc_min, " %10s", gv.ox[i]); // } // fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); // for (int m = 0; m < gv.n_cp_phase; m++){ // for (j = 0; j < sp[0].SS[m].n_em; j++){ // fprintf(loc_min, "%5s ", sp[0].ph[m]); // fprintf(loc_min, "%5s ", sp[0].SS[m].emNames[j]); // for (int k = 0; k < gv.len_ox; k++){ // fprintf(loc_min, "%10.5f ", sp[0].SS[m].emComp_wt[j][k]); // } // fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); // } // fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); // } double G; fprintf(loc_min, "\n\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "Stable mineral assemblage:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s%15s %13s %17s %17s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n","phase","fraction[wt]","G[J]" ,"V_molar[cm3/mol]","V_partial[cm3]" ,"Cp[kJ/K]","Rho[kg/m3]","Alpha[1/K]","Entropy[J/K]","Enthalpy[J]","BulkMod[GPa]","ShearMod[GPa]","Vp[km/s]","Vs[km/s]"); n = 0; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ G = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ G += cp[i].ss_comp[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } fprintf(loc_min, "%6s", cp[i].name); fprintf(loc_min, "%+15.5f %+13.5f %+17.5f %+17.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.8f %+12.6f %+14.4f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f", sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n], G, cp[i].volume*10., cp[i].volume*10.*cp[i].ss_n_mol*cp[i].factor, cp[i].phase_cp, cp[i].phase_density, cp[i].phase_expansivity, cp[i].phase_entropy, cp[i].phase_enthalpy, cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10., cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10., sqrt((cp[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. +4.0/3.0*cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)), sqrt(cp[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(cp[i].phase_density/1e3)) ); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); n += 1; } } int n_ss = n; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%6s", gv.PP_list[i]); fprintf(loc_min, "%+15.5f %+13.5f %+17.5f %+17.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.8f %+12.6f %+14.4f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f %+12.2f", sp[0].ph_frac_wt[n], PP_ref_db[i].gbase, PP_ref_db[i].volume*10., PP_ref_db[i].volume*10.*gv.pp_n[i]*PP_ref_db[i].factor, PP_ref_db[i].phase_cp, PP_ref_db[i].phase_density, PP_ref_db[i].phase_expansivity, PP_ref_db[i].phase_entropy, PP_ref_db[i].phase_enthalpy, PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10., PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10., sqrt((PP_ref_db[i].phase_bulkModulus/10. +4.0/3.0*PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.)/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)), sqrt(PP_ref_db[i].phase_shearModulus/10.0/(PP_ref_db[i].phase_density/1e3)) ); fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); n+=1; } } G = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < gv.len_ox; j++){ G += z_b.bulk_rock[j]*gv.gam_tot[j]; } fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %14s %+13.5f %17s %+17.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %12s %+12.6f %+14.4f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f %+12.5f\n", "SYS", " ", G, " ", gv.system_volume*10., gv.system_cp, gv.system_density, " ", gv.system_entropy, gv.system_enthalpy, gv.system_bulkModulus, gv.system_shearModulus, gv.system_Vp, gv.system_Vs ); /* output solution phase composition */ fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nGamma[J] (chemical potential of oxides):\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_ox; i++){ fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+12.5f\n", gv.ox[i], gv.gam_tot[i]); } fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nSystem fugacity:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "log10(fO2)",log10(gv.system_fO2)); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "log10(dQFM)",log10(gv.system_deltaQFM)); fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nSystem activity:\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aH2O",gv.system_aH2O); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aSiO2",gv.system_aSiO2); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aTiO2",gv.system_aTiO2); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aAl2O3",gv.system_aAl2O3); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aMgO",gv.system_aMgO); fprintf(loc_min, "%6s %+10e\n", "aFeO",gv.system_aFeO); fprintf(loc_min, "\n\nG-hyperplane distance[J]:\n"); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if (cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%5s %+10e\n", cp[i].name,cp[i].df); } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n\n"); /* save initial guess for THERMOCALC */ if (gv.output_matlab == 2){ fprintf(loc_min, "Initial guess for THERMOCALC\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% at P = %10f, T = %10f, for: ",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%1s ", cp[i].name); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 2){ fprintf(loc_min, "%2s ", cp[i].name); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 3){ fprintf(loc_min, "%3s ", cp[i].name); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 4){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", cp[i].name); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 5){ fprintf(loc_min, "%5s ", cp[i].name); } } } for (i = 0; i < gv.len_pp; i++){ if (gv.pp_flags[i][1] == 1){ if (strlen(gv.PP_list[i]) == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "%1s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } else if (strlen(gv.PP_list[i]) == 2){ fprintf(loc_min, "%2s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } else if (strlen(gv.PP_list[i]) == 3){ fprintf(loc_min, "%3s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } else if (strlen(gv.PP_list[i]) == 4){ fprintf(loc_min, "%4s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } else if (strlen(gv.PP_list[i]) == 5){ fprintf(loc_min, "%5s ", gv.PP_list[i]); } } } fprintf(loc_min, "\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(loc_min, "ptguess %10f %10f\n",z_b.P,z_b.T-273.15); fprintf(loc_min, "%% ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); n = 0; for (i = 0; i < gv.len_cp; i++){ if ( cp[i].ss_flags[1] == 1){ n +=1; for (j = 0; j < SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].n_xeos; j++){ if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 1){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%1s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j],cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 2){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%2s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j],cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 3){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%3s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j],cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 4){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%4s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j],cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } else if (strlen(cp[i].name) == 5){ fprintf(loc_min, "xyzguess %5s(%5s) %10f\n", SS_ref_db[cp[i].id].CV_list[j],cp[i].name, cp[i].xeos[j]); } } if (n < n_ss){ fprintf(loc_min, "%% -----------------------------\n"); } } } fprintf(loc_min, "%% —————————————————————————————\n"); } fclose(loc_min); }
[docs]/** Save final result of minimization */ void save_results_function( global_variable gv, bulk_info z_b, PP_ref *PP_ref_db, SS_ref *SS_ref_db, csd_phase_set *cp, stb_system *sp ){ FILE *loc_min; char out_lm[255]; int i,j, rank, numprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (gv.output_matlab >= 1){ output_matlab( gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ z_b, /** bulk-rock informations */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp, sp ); } if (gv.verbose == 1 && gv.output_matlab == 0){ output_thermocalc( gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ z_b, /** bulk-rock informations */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp, sp ); } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ /** MATLAB GRID OUTPUT **/ if (gv.verbose == 0){ output_gui( gv, /** global variables (e.g. Gamma) */ z_b, /** bulk-rock informations */ PP_ref_db, /** pure phase database */ SS_ref_db, /** solution phase database */ cp, sp ); } };
[docs]/** Parallel file dump for phase diagrams */ void mergeParallelFiles(global_variable gv){ int i, rank, numprocs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH=200; char out_lm[255]; char in_lm[255]; char c; char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (numprocs == 1){ return; } sprintf(out_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); FILE *fp2 = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(fp2, "// NUMBER\tSTATUS[S,R1,R2,F]\tP[kbar]\tT[C]\tG_sys[G]\tBR_norm[wt]\tVp[km/s]\tVs[km/s]\tGAMMA[G]; PHASE[name]\tMODE[wt]\tRHO[kg.m-3]\tX-EOS\n"); // Open file to be merged for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // open file sprintf(in_lm, "%s_pseudosection_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); FILE *fp1 = fopen(in_lm, "r"); fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip first line = comment (we don't want to copy that) // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF){ fputc(c, fp2); } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp2); // char tot_out_lm[255]; // char tot_in_lm[255]; // if (numprocs == 1){ return; } // sprintf(tot_out_lm, "%s_wave_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); // FILE *fp2a = fopen(tot_out_lm, "w"); // fprintf(fp2a, "Number P[kbar]\t T[C]\t Vs0[km/s]\t Vp0[km/s]\t Kb_S[GPa]\t Ks_S[GPa]\t Kb_L[GPa]\t rhoL[kg/m3]\t rhoS[kg/m3]\t frac_melt\t NaK_S[wt]\t NaK_M[wt]\t Si_S[wt]\t Si_M[wt]\t H_M[wt]\n"); // // Open file to be merged // for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // // open file // sprintf(tot_in_lm, "%s_wave_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); // FILE *fp1a = fopen(tot_in_lm, "r"); // // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt // while ((c = fgetc(fp1a)) != EOF){ // fputc(c, fp2a); // } // fclose(fp1a); // } // fclose(fp2a); }
[docs]/** Parallel file dump for phase diagrams */ void mergeParallel_matlab(global_variable gv){ int i, rank, numprocs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH=200; char out_lm[255]; char in_lm[255]; char c; char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (numprocs == 1){ return; } sprintf(out_lm, "%s_matlab_output.txt" ,gv.outpath); FILE *fp2 = fopen(out_lm, "w"); // Open file to be merged for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // open file sprintf(in_lm, "%s_matlab_output.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); FILE *fp1 = fopen(in_lm, "r"); fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip first line = comment (we don't want to copy that) // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF){ fputc(c, fp2); } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp2); }
[docs]/** Parallel file dump for phase diagrams */ void mergeParallel_residual_Files(global_variable gv){ int i, rank, numprocs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH=2048; char out_lm[255]; char in_lm[255]; char c; char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (numprocs == 1){ return; } sprintf(out_lm, "%s_residual_norm.txt" ,gv.outpath); FILE *fp2 = fopen(out_lm, "w"); // Open file to be merged for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // open file sprintf(in_lm, "%s_residual_norm.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); FILE *fp1 = fopen(in_lm, "r"); fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip first line = comment (we don't want to copy that) // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF){ fputc(c, fp2); } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp2); }
[docs]/** Parallel file dump for local minima search */ void mergeParallel_LocalMinima_Files(global_variable gv){ int i, rank, numprocs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH=200; char out_lm[255]; char in_lm[255]; char c; char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (numprocs == 1){ return; } sprintf(out_lm, "%s__LOCAL_MINIMA.txt" ,gv.outpath); FILE *fp2 = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(fp2, "// PHASE_NAME[char]\tN_x-eos[n]\tN_POINTS\tGAMMA[G]\n"); fprintf(fp2, "// NUMBER\t INITIAL ENDMEMBER PROPORTIONS[n+1]\tINITIAL_GUESS_x_eos[n]\tFINAL_x-eos[n]\tFINAL ENDMEMBER PROPORTIONS[n+1]\tDRIVING_FORCE[dG]\n"); // Open file to be merged for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // open file sprintf(in_lm, "%s__LOCAL_MINIMA.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); FILE *fp1 = fopen(in_lm, "r"); fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 1th line = comment (we don't want to copy that) fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 2nd line = comment (we don't want to copy that) if (i>0){ fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 3rd line = info about Gamma (only needed once) } // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF){ fputc(c, fp2); } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp2); }
[docs]/** Parallel file dump for first stage of levelling minimization only */ void mergeParallel_LevellingGamma_Files(global_variable gv){ int i, rank, numprocs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH=200; char out_lm[255]; char in_lm[255]; char c; char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); if (numprocs == 1){ return; } sprintf(out_lm, "%s__LEVELLING_GAMMA.txt" ,gv.outpath); FILE *fp2 = fopen(out_lm, "w"); fprintf(fp2, "// BULK-ROCK[len_ox]\tP[kbar]\tT[°C]\tGAMMA[G]\n"); // Open file to be merged for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++){ // open file sprintf(in_lm, "%s__LEVELLING_GAMMA.%i.txt" ,gv.outpath, i); FILE *fp1 = fopen(in_lm, "r"); fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 1th line = comment (we don't want to copy that) fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 2nd line = comment (we don't want to copy that) if (i>0){ fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp1); // skip 3rd line = info about Gamma (only needed once) } // Copy contents of first file to file3.txt while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF){ fputc(c, fp2); } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp2); }